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Akdeniz’in MARPOL Ek VI Kapsamında Kükürt Oksitler (Med SOx ECA) İçin Emisyon Kontrol Alanı Olarak Belirlenmesinin Deniz Hukuku Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 441 - 466


Akdeniz’in Deniz Ortamı ve Kıyı Bölgesinin Korunması Sözleşmesi (Barselona Sözleşmesi) ve Protokollerine Taraf Devletlerin 22. Top-lantısı (COP 22), 7-10 Aralık 2021 tarihlerinde Antalya'da gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toplantıda, 1978 Protokolü ile düzenlenen ve 1997 Protokolü ile daha da değiştirilen 1973 tarihli Denizlerin Gemilerden Kirlenmesini Önleme Uluslararası Sözleşmesi (MARPOL) Ek VI uyarınca Akdeniz'in Sülfür Oksitler için Emisyon Kontrol Alanı (Med SOx ECA) olarak belirlenmesine ilişkin önemli bir karar kabul edilmiştir.
Karar, Taraf Devletler arasında, Birleşmiş Milletler Çevre Programı Akdeniz Eylem Planı (UNEP/MAP) tarafından teşvik edilen yoğun istişarelerin bir sonucudur. Bu karar ile deniz taşımacılığı sektöründen kaynaklanan zararlı SOx salınımlarından zarar gören insan sağlığı ve ekosistemlerin bütünlüğü için önemli faydalar sağlaması beklenmektedir. Karar, Med SOx ECA'nın oluşturulmasına ilişkin ortak ve eşgüdümlü bir teklifin 2022 yılında Uluslararası Denizcilik Örgütü'nün (IMO) 78. Deniz Çevresini Koruma Komitesi'ne (MEPC 78) sunulmasının önünü açmaktadır. Med SOx ECA’nın Ocak 2025'te yürürlüğe girmesi beklenmektedir.
Bu makalenin temel hedefi, söz konusu kararın deniz hukuku açısından olası etkilerini değerlendirmektir. Bu amaçla, MARPOL Ek VI ve Barselona Sözleşmesi sistemi ve diğer ilgili uluslararası hukuki belgelerle olan ilişkisi deniz hukuku kapsamında ele alınacaktır.


  • Beckman R and Sun Z, ‘The Relationship between UNCLOS and IMO Instruments’ (2017) 2 Asia Pac J Ocean L & Pol'y 201-249.
  • Bodansky D, ‘Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships: The Role of the International Maritime Organization,’ in H. Scheiber, N. Oral and M. Kwon (eds.), The 50 Year Legacy and Emerging Issues for the Years Ahead (Brill/Nijhoff 2018) 10.
  • Chircop A, ‘The International Maritime Organization’, in Donald R. Rothwell, Alex G. Oude Elferink, and Karen N. Scott (eds), The Ox-ford Handbook of the Law of the Sea (Oxford 2015) 416-438.
  • Churchill RR and Lowe AV, The Law of the Sea (Manchester University Press 1999).
  • Colombos CJ, The International Law of the Sea (6th edn Longmans Green 1967).
  • Ergüven NS, ‘1982 tarihli Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşme-sine Karşı Türkiye’nin Tutumu’ in Ünüvar, N. (ed.): Doğu Akdeniz Sempozyumu Doğu Akdeniz Sorunlarına Hukuki ve Siyasi Yaklaşım ile Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinin Çözümdeki Muhtemel Rolü (TBMM Basımevi 2021) 193-204.
  • Kopela S, ‘Making Ships Cleaner: Reducing Air Pollution from Interna-tional Shipping’ (2017) 26 RECIEL 231-242.
  • Lee JG, ‘International Regulations of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping’ (2019) 4 Asia Pac J Ocean L & Pol'y 53-78.
  • Özçayır ZO, Port State Control (2nd edn Routledge 2015).
  • Testa D, ‘A Note on the Potential Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as a Sulphur Emission Control Area’ (2020) 121 Marine Policy 1-5.
  • Annex VI, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, to the MARPOL Convention (adopted 26 September 1997, entered into force 19 May 2005) For the official text of the Regulations see: An¬nex VI to MARPOL and NTC 2008 (IMO 2017) (MARPOL Annex VI).
  • Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols (adopted 16 February 1976, entered into force 12 February 1978) 1102 UNTS 44 (Barcelona Convention).
  • Convention on the International Maritime Organization (as subsequently amended) (adopted 6 March 1948, entered into force 17 March 1958) 289 UNTS 3 (IMO Convention).
  • Paris Agreement (adopted on 12 December 2015, entered into force on 4 November 2016): 3156 UNTS 54113.
  • The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (adopted 2 November 1973, entered into force 2 October 1983) and its Protocol of 1978 (adopted 17 February 1978, entered into force 1 October 1983) 1340 UNTS 62 (MARPOL).
  • United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (adopted 10 Decem-ber 1982, entered into force 1 November 1994) 1833 UNTS 397 (UNCLOS).
  • Decision IG.24/8, Road Map for a Proposal for the Possible Designation of the Mediterranean Sea, as a whole, as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI, within the Framework of the Barcelona Convention, < unepmap/meetings/cop-decisions/cop21-outcome-documents>accessed 20 April 2022.
  • Decision IG.25/14, Designation of the Mediterranean Sea, as a whole1, as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOX ECA) pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI, < meetings/cop-decisions/cop22-out come-documents> accessed 25 May 2022.
  • UNEP(DEPI)/MED IG.25/27, Report of the 22nd Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols, 12, < nts> accessed 20 April 2022.
  • DOALOS, ‘Competent or Relevant International Organizations under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea’, (1996) 31 Law of the Sea Bulletin 88.
  • IMCO, Assembly Resolution A.371 (X), < source/docs /A_358_IX-E.pdf> accessed 20 April 2022.
  • IMO, Amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Or-ganization London, 8 December 2021, < Publication/CN/2022/CN. 46.2022-Eng.pdf> accessed 25 April 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Brief History of IMO’, < About/History OfIMO/ Pages/Default.aspx> accessed 20 April 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Council to Expand- Amendments Adopted’, <https://www. Centre/PressBriefings/pages/council-2021.aspx> accessed 25 April 2022.
  • IMO, ‘List of IMO Conventions’, < Conventions/ Pag¬es/ListOfConventions.aspx> accessed 5 May 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Port State Control’, < Pages/Port StateCon¬trol.aspx> accessed 15 May 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Status of IMO Treaties’, < alre-sources/en/About/Conven-tions/StatusOfConventions/Status%20of%20 IMO%20Treaties.pdf> accessed 5 May 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Structure of IMO’, < Structure.aspx> accessed 25 April 2022.
  • Mediterranean MoU, ‘About’, <> accessed 15 May 2022.
  • Republic of Türkiye MFA, No: 412, 10 December 2021, ‘Press Release Regarding IMO Council Elections’, <> accessed 25 April 2022.
  • UNEP/MAP, ‘The Mediterranean is Making Strides in Tackling Air Pol¬lution from Ships’, < mediterranean-making-strides-tackling-air-pollution -ships> accessed 7 September 2022.
  • UNGA, UNGA Res/68/70 (2013) 147, < development/desa/popula¬tion/migration/generalassembly/docs/ globalcompact/A_RES_68_70.pdf> accessed 5 May 2022.

Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 441 - 466


The 22nd Meeting (COP 22) of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) and its Protocols, held in Antalya, Türkiye, on 7-10 December 2021, adopted a significant decision on the designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Ar¬ea for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) pursuant to Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, and as further amended by the Protocol of 1997 (MARPOL).
The decision is the outcome of intense consultations among the Con-tracting Parties that have been facilitated by the UN Environment Pro-gramme’s Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP). It is expected to generate significant benefits for human health and for the integrity of ecosystems, which both suffer from harmful SOx emissions from the maritime transport sector. The Decision paves the way for the submis-sion in 2022 of a joint and coordinated proposal on the designation of the Med SOx ECA to the 78th Marine Environment Protection Commit-tee (MEPC 78) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The Med SOx ECA could come into force in January 2025.
The main aim of this article is to evaluate the possible effects of the mentioned decision with regard to the law of the sea. By doing it so, MARPOL Annex VI and its relation to the Barcelona Convention sys-tem and other related international legal documents, will be discussed under the law of the sea.


  • Beckman R and Sun Z, ‘The Relationship between UNCLOS and IMO Instruments’ (2017) 2 Asia Pac J Ocean L & Pol'y 201-249.
  • Bodansky D, ‘Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships: The Role of the International Maritime Organization,’ in H. Scheiber, N. Oral and M. Kwon (eds.), The 50 Year Legacy and Emerging Issues for the Years Ahead (Brill/Nijhoff 2018) 10.
  • Chircop A, ‘The International Maritime Organization’, in Donald R. Rothwell, Alex G. Oude Elferink, and Karen N. Scott (eds), The Ox-ford Handbook of the Law of the Sea (Oxford 2015) 416-438.
  • Churchill RR and Lowe AV, The Law of the Sea (Manchester University Press 1999).
  • Colombos CJ, The International Law of the Sea (6th edn Longmans Green 1967).
  • Ergüven NS, ‘1982 tarihli Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşme-sine Karşı Türkiye’nin Tutumu’ in Ünüvar, N. (ed.): Doğu Akdeniz Sempozyumu Doğu Akdeniz Sorunlarına Hukuki ve Siyasi Yaklaşım ile Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinin Çözümdeki Muhtemel Rolü (TBMM Basımevi 2021) 193-204.
  • Kopela S, ‘Making Ships Cleaner: Reducing Air Pollution from Interna-tional Shipping’ (2017) 26 RECIEL 231-242.
  • Lee JG, ‘International Regulations of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping’ (2019) 4 Asia Pac J Ocean L & Pol'y 53-78.
  • Özçayır ZO, Port State Control (2nd edn Routledge 2015).
  • Testa D, ‘A Note on the Potential Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as a Sulphur Emission Control Area’ (2020) 121 Marine Policy 1-5.
  • Annex VI, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, to the MARPOL Convention (adopted 26 September 1997, entered into force 19 May 2005) For the official text of the Regulations see: An¬nex VI to MARPOL and NTC 2008 (IMO 2017) (MARPOL Annex VI).
  • Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols (adopted 16 February 1976, entered into force 12 February 1978) 1102 UNTS 44 (Barcelona Convention).
  • Convention on the International Maritime Organization (as subsequently amended) (adopted 6 March 1948, entered into force 17 March 1958) 289 UNTS 3 (IMO Convention).
  • Paris Agreement (adopted on 12 December 2015, entered into force on 4 November 2016): 3156 UNTS 54113.
  • The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (adopted 2 November 1973, entered into force 2 October 1983) and its Protocol of 1978 (adopted 17 February 1978, entered into force 1 October 1983) 1340 UNTS 62 (MARPOL).
  • United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (adopted 10 Decem-ber 1982, entered into force 1 November 1994) 1833 UNTS 397 (UNCLOS).
  • Decision IG.24/8, Road Map for a Proposal for the Possible Designation of the Mediterranean Sea, as a whole, as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI, within the Framework of the Barcelona Convention, < unepmap/meetings/cop-decisions/cop21-outcome-documents>accessed 20 April 2022.
  • Decision IG.25/14, Designation of the Mediterranean Sea, as a whole1, as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOX ECA) pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI, < meetings/cop-decisions/cop22-out come-documents> accessed 25 May 2022.
  • UNEP(DEPI)/MED IG.25/27, Report of the 22nd Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols, 12, < nts> accessed 20 April 2022.
  • DOALOS, ‘Competent or Relevant International Organizations under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea’, (1996) 31 Law of the Sea Bulletin 88.
  • IMCO, Assembly Resolution A.371 (X), < source/docs /A_358_IX-E.pdf> accessed 20 April 2022.
  • IMO, Amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Or-ganization London, 8 December 2021, < Publication/CN/2022/CN. 46.2022-Eng.pdf> accessed 25 April 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Brief History of IMO’, < About/History OfIMO/ Pages/Default.aspx> accessed 20 April 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Council to Expand- Amendments Adopted’, <https://www. Centre/PressBriefings/pages/council-2021.aspx> accessed 25 April 2022.
  • IMO, ‘List of IMO Conventions’, < Conventions/ Pag¬es/ListOfConventions.aspx> accessed 5 May 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Port State Control’, < Pages/Port StateCon¬trol.aspx> accessed 15 May 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Status of IMO Treaties’, < alre-sources/en/About/Conven-tions/StatusOfConventions/Status%20of%20 IMO%20Treaties.pdf> accessed 5 May 2022.
  • IMO, ‘Structure of IMO’, < Structure.aspx> accessed 25 April 2022.
  • Mediterranean MoU, ‘About’, <> accessed 15 May 2022.
  • Republic of Türkiye MFA, No: 412, 10 December 2021, ‘Press Release Regarding IMO Council Elections’, <> accessed 25 April 2022.
  • UNEP/MAP, ‘The Mediterranean is Making Strides in Tackling Air Pol¬lution from Ships’, < mediterranean-making-strides-tackling-air-pollution -ships> accessed 7 September 2022.
  • UNGA, UNGA Res/68/70 (2013) 147, < development/desa/popula¬tion/migration/generalassembly/docs/ globalcompact/A_RES_68_70.pdf> accessed 5 May 2022.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Space, Maritime and Aviation Law
Journal Section Research Article

Nasıh Sarp Ergüven 0000-0003-4610-2515

Eyyüp Karahan 0000-0002-8833-4229

Nazan Özyürek This is me 0000-0001-9008-8920

Özlem Örme This is me 0000-0001-7804-4642

Early Pub Date May 14, 2024
Publication Date
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Ergüven, N. S., Karahan, E., Özyürek, N., Örme, Ö. (2024). Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law, 4(2), 441-466.
AMA Ergüven NS, Karahan E, Özyürek N, Örme Ö. Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea. DEHUKAMDER. May 2024;4(2):441-466.
Chicago Ergüven, Nasıh Sarp, Eyyüp Karahan, Nazan Özyürek, and Özlem Örme. “Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea As an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea”. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law 4, no. 2 (May 2024): 441-66.
EndNote Ergüven NS, Karahan E, Özyürek N, Örme Ö (May 1, 2024) Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law 4 2 441–466.
IEEE N. S. Ergüven, E. Karahan, N. Özyürek, and Ö. Örme, “Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea”, DEHUKAMDER, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 441–466, 2024.
ISNAD Ergüven, Nasıh Sarp et al. “Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea As an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea”. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law 4/2 (May 2024), 441-466.
JAMA Ergüven NS, Karahan E, Özyürek N, Örme Ö. Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea. DEHUKAMDER. 2024;4:441–466.
MLA Ergüven, Nasıh Sarp et al. “Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea As an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea”. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law, vol. 4, no. 2, 2024, pp. 441-66.
Vancouver Ergüven NS, Karahan E, Özyürek N, Örme Ö. Evaluation of the Designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) Pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI in Terms of Law of the Sea. DEHUKAMDER. 2024;4(2):441-66.