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Assessment of the pH levels of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite with cetrimide and polypropylene glycol

Year 2014, Volume: 31 Issue: 3, 140 - 2, 08.09.2014


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the pH of %5.25 sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and NaOCl with cetrimide and polypropylene glycol at 1, 2, 5 and 7 days.

MATERIALS AND METHOD: One mL of %5.25 NaOCl and NaOCl with cetrimide and polypropylene glycol solutions were added into 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes. The pH values were recorded with a pH-meter at different time intervals (1, 2, 5 and 7 days). Measurements were repeated 3 times and average values were recorded. The pH-meter was calibrated before each measurement.

RESULTS: The pH value of NaOCl with cetrimide and polypropylene glycol solution was significantly higher compared with the NaOCl solution (p<0.05). For each solution, the pH values at 1, 2, 5 and 7 days were not significantly different (p>0.05). The pH values of NaOCl with cetrimide and polypropylene glycol were 12.67±0.25 and 12.66±0.30 at 1. day and 7. days, respectively, and the pH values of NaOCl were 11.98±0.22 and 11.94±0.24 at 1. day and 7. days, respectively.

CONCLUSION: NaOCI solution with cetrimide and polypropylene glycol exhibited higher pH levels than the %5.25 NaOCI solution.


  • Siqueira JF Jr, Rôças IN. Clinical implications and microbiology of bacterial persistence after treatment procedures. J Endod 2008;34:1291-301.
  • Bystrom A, Sundqvist G. The antibacterial action of sodium hypochlorite and EDTA in 60 cases of endodontic therapy. Int Endod J 1985;18:35-40.
  • Dalton BC, Orstavik D, Phillips C, Pettiette M, Trope M. Bacterial reduction with nickel-titanium rotary instrumentation. J Endod 1998;24:763-7.
  • Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod 2006;32:389-98.
  • Naenni N, Thoma K, Zehnder M. Soft tissue dissolution capacity of currently used and potential endodontic irrigants. J Endod 2004;30:785-7.
  • Haikel Y, Gorce F, Allemann C, Voegel JC. In vitro efficiency of endodontic irrigation solutions on protein desorption. Int Endod J 1994;27:16-20.
  • Alaçam T. Kök kanallarının irrigasyonu. Endodonti. Ankara: Özyurt Matbaacılık; 2013. p. 529-86.
  • Clarkson RM, Moule AJ. Sodium hypochlorite and its use as an endodontic irrigant. Aust Dent J 1998;43:250-6.
  • Hauman CH, Love RM. Biocompatibility of dental materials used in contemporary endodontic therapy: a review. Part 2. Root-canal-filling materials. Int Endod J 2003;36:147-60.
  • Rossi-Fedele G, Guastalli AR, Doğramacı EJ, Steier L, De Figueiredo JA. Influence of pH changes on chlorine-containing endodontic irrigating solutions. Int Endod J 2011;44:792-9.
  • Estrela C, Estrela CR, Barbin EL, Spanó JC, Marchesan MA, Pécora JD. Mechanism of action of sodium hypochlorite. Braz Dent J 2002;13:113-7.
  • Pişkin B, Türkün M. Stability of various sodium hypochlorite solutions. J Endod 1995;21:253-5.
  • Byström A, Sundqvist G. Bacteriologic evaluation of the effect of 0.5 percent sodium hypochlorite in endodontic therapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1983;55:307-12.
  • Giardino L, Ambu E, Becce C, Rimondini L, Morra M. Surface tension comparison of four common root canal irrigants and two new irrigants containing antibiotic. J Endod 2006 ;32:1091-3.
  • Abou-Rass M, Patonai FJ Jr. The effects of decreasing surface tension on the flow of irrigating solutions in narrow root canals. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982;53:524-6.
  • Stojicic S, Zivkovic S, Qian W, Zhang H, Haapasalo M. Tissue dissolution by sodium hypochlorite: effect of concentration, temperature, agitation, and surfactant. J Endod 2010;36:1558-62.
  • Williamson AE, Cardon JW, Drake DR. Antimicrobial susceptibility of monoculture biofilms of a clinical isolate of Enterococcus faecalis. J Endod 2009;35:95-7.
  • Krell KV. Canal preparation. Johnson WT, ed. Colour atlas of endodontics. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company; 2002. p.67-77.
  • Guerreiro-Tanomaru JM, Morgental RD, Flumignan DL, Gasparini F, Oliveira JE, Tanomaru-Filho M. Evaluation of pH, available chlorine content, and antibacterial activity of endodontic irrigants and their combinations against Enterococcus faecalis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;112:132-5.
  • Palazzi F, Morra M, Mohammadi Z, Grandini S, Giardino L. Comparison of the surface tension of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution with three new sodium hypochlorite-based endodontic irrigants. Int Endod J 2012;45:129-35.
  • Cameron JA. The effect of a fluorocarbon surfactant on the surface tension of the endodontic irrigant, sodium hypochlorite. A preliminary report. Aust Dent J 1986;31:364-8.
  • Pécora JD, Sousa-Neto MD, Guerisoli DMZ, Marchesan MA. Effect of reduction of the surface tension of different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite solutions on radicular dentine permeability. Braz Endod J 1998;3:38-40.
  • Hungaro Duarte MA, Minotti PG, Rodrigues CT, Zapata RO, Bramante CM, Tanomaru Filho M, et al. Effect of different radiopacifying agents on the physicochemical properties of white Portland cement and white mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 2012;38:394-7.
  • Vivan RR, Zapata RO, Zeferino MA, Bramante CM, Bernardineli N, Garcia RB, et al. Evaluation of the physical and chemical properties of two commercial and three experimental root-end filling materials. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:250-6.

%5.25 Sodyum hipoklorit ile setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren sodyum hipokloritin pH düzeylerinin incelenmesi

Year 2014, Volume: 31 Issue: 3, 140 - 2, 08.09.2014


AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı, %5.25 sodyum hipoklorit (NaOCl) ile setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren NaOCl’nin pH değerlerinin 1, 2, 5 ve 7 gün zaman aralıklarında değerlendirilmesidir.

GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: %5.25 NaOCl ve setrimit ile polipropilen glikol içeren NaOCl solüsyonları, 1’er mL hacimlerde 1.5 mL’lik Eppendorf tüplere ayrı ayrı koyuldu. Değişik zaman aralıklarında (1, 2, 5 ve 7 gün) pH değerleri pH-metre ile ölçüldü. Ölçümler her bir örnek için 3 kez tekrarlanarak ortalama değerler kaydedildi. Her ölçüm öncesi pH-metre kalibre edildi.

BULGULAR: Setrimit ile polipropilen glikol içeren NaOCl karışımının pH değerleri, %5.25 NaOCl’ye göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde daha yüksek çıktı (p<0.05). Her iki solüsyonda da 1, 2, 5 ve 7. günlerdeki pH değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak farklılık bulunamadı (p>0.05). Setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren sodyum hipokloritin 1. ve 7. günlerdeki pH değerleri sırasıyla, 12.67±0.25 ve 12.65±0.30 iken; %5.25 NaOCl’nin aynı günlerdeki pH değerleri sırasıyla, 11.98±0.22 ve 11.95±0.24 olarak saptandı.

SONUÇ: Sonuç olarak setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren NaOCl solüsyonunun pH değeri, %5.25 NaOCl solüsyonuna göre daha yüksek bulundu.


  • Siqueira JF Jr, Rôças IN. Clinical implications and microbiology of bacterial persistence after treatment procedures. J Endod 2008;34:1291-301.
  • Bystrom A, Sundqvist G. The antibacterial action of sodium hypochlorite and EDTA in 60 cases of endodontic therapy. Int Endod J 1985;18:35-40.
  • Dalton BC, Orstavik D, Phillips C, Pettiette M, Trope M. Bacterial reduction with nickel-titanium rotary instrumentation. J Endod 1998;24:763-7.
  • Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod 2006;32:389-98.
  • Naenni N, Thoma K, Zehnder M. Soft tissue dissolution capacity of currently used and potential endodontic irrigants. J Endod 2004;30:785-7.
  • Haikel Y, Gorce F, Allemann C, Voegel JC. In vitro efficiency of endodontic irrigation solutions on protein desorption. Int Endod J 1994;27:16-20.
  • Alaçam T. Kök kanallarının irrigasyonu. Endodonti. Ankara: Özyurt Matbaacılık; 2013. p. 529-86.
  • Clarkson RM, Moule AJ. Sodium hypochlorite and its use as an endodontic irrigant. Aust Dent J 1998;43:250-6.
  • Hauman CH, Love RM. Biocompatibility of dental materials used in contemporary endodontic therapy: a review. Part 2. Root-canal-filling materials. Int Endod J 2003;36:147-60.
  • Rossi-Fedele G, Guastalli AR, Doğramacı EJ, Steier L, De Figueiredo JA. Influence of pH changes on chlorine-containing endodontic irrigating solutions. Int Endod J 2011;44:792-9.
  • Estrela C, Estrela CR, Barbin EL, Spanó JC, Marchesan MA, Pécora JD. Mechanism of action of sodium hypochlorite. Braz Dent J 2002;13:113-7.
  • Pişkin B, Türkün M. Stability of various sodium hypochlorite solutions. J Endod 1995;21:253-5.
  • Byström A, Sundqvist G. Bacteriologic evaluation of the effect of 0.5 percent sodium hypochlorite in endodontic therapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1983;55:307-12.
  • Giardino L, Ambu E, Becce C, Rimondini L, Morra M. Surface tension comparison of four common root canal irrigants and two new irrigants containing antibiotic. J Endod 2006 ;32:1091-3.
  • Abou-Rass M, Patonai FJ Jr. The effects of decreasing surface tension on the flow of irrigating solutions in narrow root canals. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982;53:524-6.
  • Stojicic S, Zivkovic S, Qian W, Zhang H, Haapasalo M. Tissue dissolution by sodium hypochlorite: effect of concentration, temperature, agitation, and surfactant. J Endod 2010;36:1558-62.
  • Williamson AE, Cardon JW, Drake DR. Antimicrobial susceptibility of monoculture biofilms of a clinical isolate of Enterococcus faecalis. J Endod 2009;35:95-7.
  • Krell KV. Canal preparation. Johnson WT, ed. Colour atlas of endodontics. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company; 2002. p.67-77.
  • Guerreiro-Tanomaru JM, Morgental RD, Flumignan DL, Gasparini F, Oliveira JE, Tanomaru-Filho M. Evaluation of pH, available chlorine content, and antibacterial activity of endodontic irrigants and their combinations against Enterococcus faecalis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;112:132-5.
  • Palazzi F, Morra M, Mohammadi Z, Grandini S, Giardino L. Comparison of the surface tension of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution with three new sodium hypochlorite-based endodontic irrigants. Int Endod J 2012;45:129-35.
  • Cameron JA. The effect of a fluorocarbon surfactant on the surface tension of the endodontic irrigant, sodium hypochlorite. A preliminary report. Aust Dent J 1986;31:364-8.
  • Pécora JD, Sousa-Neto MD, Guerisoli DMZ, Marchesan MA. Effect of reduction of the surface tension of different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite solutions on radicular dentine permeability. Braz Endod J 1998;3:38-40.
  • Hungaro Duarte MA, Minotti PG, Rodrigues CT, Zapata RO, Bramante CM, Tanomaru Filho M, et al. Effect of different radiopacifying agents on the physicochemical properties of white Portland cement and white mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 2012;38:394-7.
  • Vivan RR, Zapata RO, Zeferino MA, Bramante CM, Bernardineli N, Garcia RB, et al. Evaluation of the physical and chemical properties of two commercial and three experimental root-end filling materials. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:250-6.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Short Communication

Buğra Güler This is me

Taha Özyürek This is me

Emre Bodrumlu

Luciano Giardino This is me

Publication Date September 8, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 31 Issue: 3


APA Güler, B., Özyürek, T., Bodrumlu, E., Giardino, L. (2014). %5.25 Sodyum hipoklorit ile setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren sodyum hipokloritin pH düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Acta Odontologica Turcica, 31(3), 140-2.
AMA Güler B, Özyürek T, Bodrumlu E, Giardino L. %5.25 Sodyum hipoklorit ile setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren sodyum hipokloritin pH düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Acta Odontol Turc. August 2014;31(3):140-2. doi:10.17214/aot.91665
Chicago Güler, Buğra, Taha Özyürek, Emre Bodrumlu, and Luciano Giardino. “%5.25 Sodyum Hipoklorit Ile Setrimit Ve Polipropilen Glikol içeren Sodyum Hipokloritin PH düzeylerinin Incelenmesi”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 31, no. 3 (August 2014): 140-2.
EndNote Güler B, Özyürek T, Bodrumlu E, Giardino L (August 1, 2014) %5.25 Sodyum hipoklorit ile setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren sodyum hipokloritin pH düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Acta Odontologica Turcica 31 3 140–2.
IEEE B. Güler, T. Özyürek, E. Bodrumlu, and L. Giardino, “%5.25 Sodyum hipoklorit ile setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren sodyum hipokloritin pH düzeylerinin incelenmesi”, Acta Odontol Turc, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 140–2, 2014, doi: 10.17214/aot.91665.
ISNAD Güler, Buğra et al. “%5.25 Sodyum Hipoklorit Ile Setrimit Ve Polipropilen Glikol içeren Sodyum Hipokloritin PH düzeylerinin Incelenmesi”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 31/3 (August 2014), 140-2.
JAMA Güler B, Özyürek T, Bodrumlu E, Giardino L. %5.25 Sodyum hipoklorit ile setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren sodyum hipokloritin pH düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Acta Odontol Turc. 2014;31:140–2.
MLA Güler, Buğra et al. “%5.25 Sodyum Hipoklorit Ile Setrimit Ve Polipropilen Glikol içeren Sodyum Hipokloritin PH düzeylerinin Incelenmesi”. Acta Odontologica Turcica, vol. 31, no. 3, 2014, pp. 140-2, doi:10.17214/aot.91665.
Vancouver Güler B, Özyürek T, Bodrumlu E, Giardino L. %5.25 Sodyum hipoklorit ile setrimit ve polipropilen glikol içeren sodyum hipokloritin pH düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Acta Odontol Turc. 2014;31(3):140-2.