Research Article
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Retrospective Analysis Of Occupational Accidents Attending Emergency Department In Kayseri Province

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 26 - 32, 01.08.2023


Aim: In this study it was aimed to reach up to date data on occupational accidents, which have been on the agenda recently by analyzing the cases who applied to the emergency service as work accidents.
Material and methods: In this retrospective study the data of occupational accident cases in all age groups who applied to the emergency department were analyzed.
Results: In this study, 1855 cases were evaluated. Of the cases, 1768 were male (95.3%) and 87 (4.7%) were female. The average age of the cases was found as 32.81 ± 9.30 years. The most applying group was determined 25-34 years old (37.7%). The occupational accidents happened mostly on monday (18.3%) and between at 12:00-18:00 hours. (42.5%). Occupational accidents occurred most frequently in metal and machinery sectors (37.7%). More than half of accident cases (52.2%) included those who had been working in the same business for one year or less. The most common mechanism of injury was hitting objects (28.1%) and the most common injury was soft tissue injury (46.7%). The majorities of the cases (96.6%) underwent outpatient treatment and were discharged. A total of three cases resulted in death.
Conclusion: The majority of the cases are seen in the metal and machinery sector and the majority of fatal work accidents are seen in the construction sector. Most of the injuries were seen in those with a professional experience of one year or less.


Prof.Dr. Vesile Şenol


  • 1. Karakurt U, Satar S, Acikalin A, Bilen A, Gülen M, Baz Ü. Analysis of Occupational Accidents Admitted to the Emergency Medicine Department. JAEM 2012;4:19-23.
  • 2. Orhan Ç, Çakmak F, Akdeniz YS, İpekci A, İkizceli İ. Analysis of Occupational Accident Cases Admitted to Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Emergency Medicine Department. Journal of Forensic Medicine 2022; 36(3):139-44.
  • 3. AL Abdallat EM, Oqailan AMA, Ali RA, Hudaib AA., Salameh GAM. Occupational fatalities in Jordan. J Forensic LegMed 2015;29(1):25-9. 4. Özkan S, Kiliç S, Durukan P, Akdur O, Vardar A, Geyik S et al. Occupational Injuries Admitted to the Emergency Department. National Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery 2010;16(3):241-47.
  • 5. Celik K, Yilmaz F, Kavalci C, Özlem M, Demir A, Durdu T et al. Occupational Injury Patterns of Turkey. World J EmergSurg 2013;8(1):57-70.
  • 6. Sayhan MB, Sayhan ES, Yemenici S, Oğuz S. Occupational injuries admitted to the Emergency Department. J PakMedAssoc2013;63(2):179-84.
  • 7. Ng ZX, Teo LT, Go KTS, Yeo YT, Chiu MT. Major workplace related accidents in Singapore: A major trauma center's experience. Ann AcadMed Singapore2010;39(12):920-26.
  • 8. Konda S, Tiesman HM, Reichard AA. Fatal Traumatic Brain Injuries in the Construction Industry, 2003-2010. Am J IndMed 2016;59(3):212-20.
  • 9. Serinken M, Turkcuer İ, Dagli B, Karcıoğlu Ö, Zencir M, Uyanık E. Work related injuries in textile industry workers in Turkey. Turkish J TraumaEmergSurg2012;18(1):31-6.
  • 10. SGK 2013-2014 Work Accident and Occupational Diseases Statistics.ıllığı. Accessed on: 25.03.2016.
  • 11. Breslin FC, Smith P. Age Related Differences in Work Injuries: A Multivariate , Population Based Study. Am J Ind Med 2005;48:50-6.
  • 12. Holizki T, McDonald R, Foster AV. Causes of Work Related Injuries Among Young Workers in British Columbia. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:357-63.
  • 13. Colak B, Etiler N, Bicer U. Fatal occupational injuries in the construction sector in Kocaeli, Turkey, 1990-2001. IndHealth 2004;42(4):424-30.
  • 14. Villanueva V, Garcia AM. Individual and occupational factors related to fatal occupational injuries: A case control study. Accid Anal Prev 2011;43(1):123-27.
  • 15. Ulutaşdemir N, Tanır F, Dokur M, Uysal E. Analysis of the Patients Admitted to Emergency Department of a Private Hospital Due to Work Accidents. SakMed J 2015;5(4):193-98.
  • 16. Serinken M, Karcioglu O, Sener S. Occupational hand injuries treated at a tertiary care facility in western Turkey. IndHealth 2008;46(3):239-46.
  • 17. Ergor OA, Demiral Y, Piyal YB. A significant outcome of work life: Occupational accidents in a developing country, Turkey J OccupHealth 2003;45(1):74-80.
  • 18. Kekec Z, Unalan D, Şenol V, Çetinkaya F. Evaluation of Occupational Accidents Admitted to Erciyes University Medical Faculty Emergency Service. Fırat University Health Sciences Medical Journal. 2003;17(4):277-83.

Kayseri İlinde Acil Servise Başvuran İş Kazalarının Analizi

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 26 - 32, 01.08.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmada acil servise iş kazası olarak başvuran olguların analizi yapılarak son zamanlarda sıkça gündeme gelen iş kazaları konusunda güncel verilere ulaşılması amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve yöntem: Retrospektif nitelikte olan çalışmada acil servise başvuran tüm yaş gruplarındaki iş kazası olgularının verileri analiz edilmiştir. Ancak trafik kazaları ve gıda zehirlenmeleri değerlendirmeye alınmamıştır. İki grup arasında kategorik değişkenlerin karşılaştırılması ki kare testi ile değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Bu çalışmada 1855 vaka değerlendirilmiştir. Vakaların 1768’i (%95,3) erkek, 87’si (%4,7) kadındı. Yaş ortalaması 32.81 ± 9.30 yıldı. En çok müracaat %37,7 oran ile 25-34 yaş grubunda saptanmıştır. En çok vaka %18,3 oranla pazartesi günü ve çalışma saatleri içerisinde ise %42,5 oranında 12:00-18:00 saatleri arasında görüldü. En fazla iş kazası metal ve makine sektöründe (%37,7) görüldü. Kaza geçirenlerin yarıdan fazlası (%52,5) aynı iş yerinde bir yıl ve daha az zamandır çalışanlardan oluşmuştur. Yaralanma mekanizmalarından en fazla cisim çarpması (%28,1) görülmüş olup en çok yumuşak doku hasarı (%46,7) görüldü. Vakaların %96,9'u ayaktan tedavi edilerek taburcu edilmiştir. Toplamda üç hasta ölümle sonuçlanmıştır (%0,2).
Sonuç: Vakaların çoğunluğu metal ve makine sektöründe görülmekte ve ölümlü iş kazalarının ise büyük bir kısmı inşaat sektöründe görülmektedir. Yaralanmaların büyük kısmı mesleki tecrübesi bir yıl ve altında olanlarda görülmüştür.


  • 1. Karakurt U, Satar S, Acikalin A, Bilen A, Gülen M, Baz Ü. Analysis of Occupational Accidents Admitted to the Emergency Medicine Department. JAEM 2012;4:19-23.
  • 2. Orhan Ç, Çakmak F, Akdeniz YS, İpekci A, İkizceli İ. Analysis of Occupational Accident Cases Admitted to Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Emergency Medicine Department. Journal of Forensic Medicine 2022; 36(3):139-44.
  • 3. AL Abdallat EM, Oqailan AMA, Ali RA, Hudaib AA., Salameh GAM. Occupational fatalities in Jordan. J Forensic LegMed 2015;29(1):25-9. 4. Özkan S, Kiliç S, Durukan P, Akdur O, Vardar A, Geyik S et al. Occupational Injuries Admitted to the Emergency Department. National Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery 2010;16(3):241-47.
  • 5. Celik K, Yilmaz F, Kavalci C, Özlem M, Demir A, Durdu T et al. Occupational Injury Patterns of Turkey. World J EmergSurg 2013;8(1):57-70.
  • 6. Sayhan MB, Sayhan ES, Yemenici S, Oğuz S. Occupational injuries admitted to the Emergency Department. J PakMedAssoc2013;63(2):179-84.
  • 7. Ng ZX, Teo LT, Go KTS, Yeo YT, Chiu MT. Major workplace related accidents in Singapore: A major trauma center's experience. Ann AcadMed Singapore2010;39(12):920-26.
  • 8. Konda S, Tiesman HM, Reichard AA. Fatal Traumatic Brain Injuries in the Construction Industry, 2003-2010. Am J IndMed 2016;59(3):212-20.
  • 9. Serinken M, Turkcuer İ, Dagli B, Karcıoğlu Ö, Zencir M, Uyanık E. Work related injuries in textile industry workers in Turkey. Turkish J TraumaEmergSurg2012;18(1):31-6.
  • 10. SGK 2013-2014 Work Accident and Occupational Diseases Statistics.ıllığı. Accessed on: 25.03.2016.
  • 11. Breslin FC, Smith P. Age Related Differences in Work Injuries: A Multivariate , Population Based Study. Am J Ind Med 2005;48:50-6.
  • 12. Holizki T, McDonald R, Foster AV. Causes of Work Related Injuries Among Young Workers in British Columbia. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:357-63.
  • 13. Colak B, Etiler N, Bicer U. Fatal occupational injuries in the construction sector in Kocaeli, Turkey, 1990-2001. IndHealth 2004;42(4):424-30.
  • 14. Villanueva V, Garcia AM. Individual and occupational factors related to fatal occupational injuries: A case control study. Accid Anal Prev 2011;43(1):123-27.
  • 15. Ulutaşdemir N, Tanır F, Dokur M, Uysal E. Analysis of the Patients Admitted to Emergency Department of a Private Hospital Due to Work Accidents. SakMed J 2015;5(4):193-98.
  • 16. Serinken M, Karcioglu O, Sener S. Occupational hand injuries treated at a tertiary care facility in western Turkey. IndHealth 2008;46(3):239-46.
  • 17. Ergor OA, Demiral Y, Piyal YB. A significant outcome of work life: Occupational accidents in a developing country, Turkey J OccupHealth 2003;45(1):74-80.
  • 18. Kekec Z, Unalan D, Şenol V, Çetinkaya F. Evaluation of Occupational Accidents Admitted to Erciyes University Medical Faculty Emergency Service. Fırat University Health Sciences Medical Journal. 2003;17(4):277-83.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Emergency Medicine
Journal Section Makale

Mustafa Alpaslan 0000-0003-3170-0125

Levent Avsarogullari 0000-0002-3359-9860

Publication Date August 1, 2023
Acceptance Date July 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


Vancouver Alpaslan M, Avsarogullari L. Retrospective Analysis Of Occupational Accidents Attending Emergency Department In Kayseri Province. JAMER. 2023;8(3):26-32.