Research Article
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The Effect of Geographic and Historical Ties in the Routes of International Students: An Assessment on Selected Regions

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.06.2022


International student mobility is one of the consequences of globalization. Just like the circulation of labor, goods and finance, students travel abroad to get higher education. This process is generally attributed to Western methods sourced in the US and some of the Western European countries such as the UK, France and Germany. Policies and implementations maintained by these countries represent the mainstream global student mobility and illustrate Westernized way of internationalization. On the other hand, within this global process, there are also neglected policies and implementations followed by non-Western regions and countries, which demonstrate unique aspects other than standardized Western processes. In this paper, this neglected side of international student mobility that let us to consider historical, regional and cultural background as push and pull factors for international students has been examined. In order to support this perspective, international student mobility and internationalization policies in Latin America, Asia-Pacific and Turkey were dealt with. In this investigation, international student profiles and transnational regional implementations of selected regions were incorporated into discussion.


  • Ahmad, S. Z., Buchanan, F. R. and Ahmad, N. (2016). Examination of students’ selection criteria for international education. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(6), 1088-1103.
  • Alkın, R. C. (2020). Tarihsel kopuş ve süreklilik bağlamında Türkiye’de devlet ve sivil toplumun uluslararası öğrenci politikası. (Doktora Tezi, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Konya).
  • Amirbek A. and Ydyrys, K. (2014). Education and soft power: Analysis as an instrument of foreign policy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 143, 514-516. Becker, R. (2010). International branch campuses: new trends and directions. International Higher Education, 58, 3-5.
  • Bude, H. and Dürrschmidt, J. (2010). What’s wrong with globalization?: Contra ‘flow speak’– towards an existential turn in the theory of globalization. European Journal of Social Theory, 13(4), 481-500.
  • Bulmer, J. (2020). What motivates international students for higher education: Insight from an international college in Thailand. U. Gaulee, S. Sharma ve K Bista (Ed.), Rethinking education across borders (pp. 103-112) içinde. New York: Springer.
  • Cabrera, A. and Le Renard, C. (2014). Internationalization, higher education, and competitiveness. E. Ullberg (Ed.), New perspectives on internationalization and competitiveness - Integrating economics, innovation and higher education (s. 11-16) içinde. London: Springer.
  • Cubillo, J. M., Sanchez, J. and Cervino, J. (2006). International students’ decision-making process. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(2), 101-115.
  • de Wit, H. (1999). Changing rationales for the internationalization of higher education. International Higher Education, 15. Doi:
  • Education Malaysia (2022). Malaysia higher education in brief. (Son erişim tarihi: 18.03.2022).
  • European Commission (2020). Making trade policy. (Son erişim tarihi: 12.03.2022).
  • Hailat, K. Q. et al. (2021). An investigation of the push–pull factors influencing student selection of higher education: The case of Arabian Gulf students in the UK. Journal of Public Affairs, Academic Papers. Doi:
  • Herpolsheimer, J. (2014) Making the CPLP "work": Old and new dynamics in Lusophone cooperation. Paper presented at the Post-colonial legacies workshop, London, 21-22 October 2015.
  • Kell, P. and Vogl, G. (2012). International students in the Asia Pacific: Mobility, risks and global optimism. New York: Springer.
  • Knight, J. (2008). Higher education in turmoil: The changing world of internationalization. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Knight, J. (2012). Student mobility and internationalization: trends and tribulations. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(1), 20-33.
  • Knight, J. (2014) International education hubs: Collaboration for competitiveness and sustainability. New Directions for Higher Education, 168, 83-96.
  • Larsen, M. (2016). Internationalization of higher education - An analysis through spatial, network, and mobility theories-. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Lerch, J. C. and Buckner, E. (2018). From education for peace to education in conflict changes in UNESCO discourse, 1945–2015. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 16(1), 27-48.
  • Levatino et al. (2018). Opening or closing borders to international students? Convergent and divergent dynamics in France, Spain and the UK. Globalization, Societies and Education, 16(3), 366-380.
  • Neubauer, D. E. (2012). Introduction: Giving dimension and direction to mobility and migration in Asian Pacific higher education. E. Neubauer ve K. Kuroda (Ed.), Mobility and migration in Asian Pacific higher education (s. 1-18) içinde. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Perrotta, D. (2016). Mercosur’s regional policies in higher education: the diffusion of accreditation and quality assurance policies. A. C. Bianculli ve A. R. Hoffmann (Ed), Regional organizations and social policy in Europe and Latin America: a space for social citizenship? (s. 185-205) içinde. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Pritchard, R. (2010). Re-entry trauma: Asian re-integration after study in the West. Journal of Studies in International Education, 15(1), 93-111.
  • Sanchez, E. (2014). The community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries: The role of language in a globalizing world. Atlantic Future Scientific Paper, 14, (Son erişim tarihi: 28.03.2022).
  • Schwartzman, S. (1993). Policies for higher education in Latin America: The context. Higher Education, 25, 9-20.
  • Shin, J. C. and Harman, G. (2009). New challenges for higher education: global and Asia-Pacific perspectives, Asia Pacific Education Review, 10, 1-13.
  • Sidhu, R. et al. (2021). International student mobilities in a contagion: (Im)mobilising higher education. Geographical Research, 59, 313-323.
  • Soler, M. G. (2014). Intergovernmental Scientific Networks in Latin America: Supporting Broader Regional Relationships and Integration. Science & Diplomacy, 3 (4). Available online at. (Son erişim tarihi: 10.03.2022).
  • Tham, S. Y. (2013). Internationalizing higher education in Malaysia: Government policies and university’s response. Journal of Studies in International Education, 17(5), 648-662.
  • Theiler, J. C. (2005). Internationalization of higher education in Argentina. H. de Wit, I. C. Jaramillo, J. Gacel-Ávila and J. Knight (Ed.), Higher education in Latin America: The international dimension (s. 71-110). Washington: World Bank.
  • Tsevetkova, N. (2008). International education during the Cold War: Soviet social transformation and American social reproduction. Comparative Education Review, 52(2), 199-217.
  • Türkiye Scholarships (2022). Full time scholarships. Retrieved from: (Son erişim tarihi: 18.03.2022).
  • UDEF (2022). About us. (Son erişim tarihi: 12.02.2022).
  • Uribe-Roldan, J. (2014). A view from Latin America: Two generations of reforms on higher education; towards a new decade of collaboration. C. A. Brown (Ed.), Globalization international education policy and local policy formation - Voices from the developing World (s. 201-214) içinde. London: Springer.
  • Walker, P. (2014). International student policies in UK higher education from colonialism to the coalition developments and consequences. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18(4), 325-344.
  • YÖK (2022). Uyruğa göre öğrenci sayıları. (Son erişim tarihi: 29 Mart 2022).

Uluslararası Öğrenci Hareketliliği Rotalarında Coğrafi ve Tarihsel Bağların Etkisi: Seçili Bölgeler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.06.2022


Uluslararası öğrenci hareketliliği, küreselleşmenin sonuçlarından biridir. Tıpkı işgücünün, malların ve finansın dolaşımı gibi, öğrenciler de yükseköğrenim için yurt dışına seyahat etmektedir. Bu süreç genellikle ABD’de ve İngiltere, Fransa ve Almanya gibi bazı Batı Avrupa ülkelerinde kaynak bulan Batılı yöntemlere atfedilir. Bu ülkeler tarafından yürütülen politikalar ve uygulamalar, ana akım küresel öğrenci hareketliliğini temsil etmekte ve Batılılaşmış bir uluslararasılaşma sürecini ortaya koymaktadır. Öte yandan, bu küresel süreç içinde, standartlaştırılmış Batılı süreçlerin dışında özgün yönler sergileyen, Batı dışı bölge ve ülkeler tarafından takip edilen ve literatürde ihmal edilmiş politika ve uygulamalar da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, uluslararası öğrenci hareketliliğinin tarihi, bölgesel ve kültürel arka planı uluslararası öğrenciler için itme ve çekme faktörleri olarak ele almamıza izin veren bu ihmal edilmiş yönü incelenmiştir. Bu bakış açısını desteklemek için Latin Amerika, Asya-Pasifik ve Türkiye’deki uluslararası öğrenci hareketliliği ve uluslararasılaşma politikaları ele alınmıştır. Bu araştırmada uluslararası öğrenci profilleri ve seçilen bölgelerin ulusötesi bölgesel uygulamaları tartışmaya açılmıştır.


  • Ahmad, S. Z., Buchanan, F. R. and Ahmad, N. (2016). Examination of students’ selection criteria for international education. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(6), 1088-1103.
  • Alkın, R. C. (2020). Tarihsel kopuş ve süreklilik bağlamında Türkiye’de devlet ve sivil toplumun uluslararası öğrenci politikası. (Doktora Tezi, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Konya).
  • Amirbek A. and Ydyrys, K. (2014). Education and soft power: Analysis as an instrument of foreign policy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 143, 514-516. Becker, R. (2010). International branch campuses: new trends and directions. International Higher Education, 58, 3-5.
  • Bude, H. and Dürrschmidt, J. (2010). What’s wrong with globalization?: Contra ‘flow speak’– towards an existential turn in the theory of globalization. European Journal of Social Theory, 13(4), 481-500.
  • Bulmer, J. (2020). What motivates international students for higher education: Insight from an international college in Thailand. U. Gaulee, S. Sharma ve K Bista (Ed.), Rethinking education across borders (pp. 103-112) içinde. New York: Springer.
  • Cabrera, A. and Le Renard, C. (2014). Internationalization, higher education, and competitiveness. E. Ullberg (Ed.), New perspectives on internationalization and competitiveness - Integrating economics, innovation and higher education (s. 11-16) içinde. London: Springer.
  • Cubillo, J. M., Sanchez, J. and Cervino, J. (2006). International students’ decision-making process. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(2), 101-115.
  • de Wit, H. (1999). Changing rationales for the internationalization of higher education. International Higher Education, 15. Doi:
  • Education Malaysia (2022). Malaysia higher education in brief. (Son erişim tarihi: 18.03.2022).
  • European Commission (2020). Making trade policy. (Son erişim tarihi: 12.03.2022).
  • Hailat, K. Q. et al. (2021). An investigation of the push–pull factors influencing student selection of higher education: The case of Arabian Gulf students in the UK. Journal of Public Affairs, Academic Papers. Doi:
  • Herpolsheimer, J. (2014) Making the CPLP "work": Old and new dynamics in Lusophone cooperation. Paper presented at the Post-colonial legacies workshop, London, 21-22 October 2015.
  • Kell, P. and Vogl, G. (2012). International students in the Asia Pacific: Mobility, risks and global optimism. New York: Springer.
  • Knight, J. (2008). Higher education in turmoil: The changing world of internationalization. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Knight, J. (2012). Student mobility and internationalization: trends and tribulations. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(1), 20-33.
  • Knight, J. (2014) International education hubs: Collaboration for competitiveness and sustainability. New Directions for Higher Education, 168, 83-96.
  • Larsen, M. (2016). Internationalization of higher education - An analysis through spatial, network, and mobility theories-. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Lerch, J. C. and Buckner, E. (2018). From education for peace to education in conflict changes in UNESCO discourse, 1945–2015. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 16(1), 27-48.
  • Levatino et al. (2018). Opening or closing borders to international students? Convergent and divergent dynamics in France, Spain and the UK. Globalization, Societies and Education, 16(3), 366-380.
  • Neubauer, D. E. (2012). Introduction: Giving dimension and direction to mobility and migration in Asian Pacific higher education. E. Neubauer ve K. Kuroda (Ed.), Mobility and migration in Asian Pacific higher education (s. 1-18) içinde. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Perrotta, D. (2016). Mercosur’s regional policies in higher education: the diffusion of accreditation and quality assurance policies. A. C. Bianculli ve A. R. Hoffmann (Ed), Regional organizations and social policy in Europe and Latin America: a space for social citizenship? (s. 185-205) içinde. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Pritchard, R. (2010). Re-entry trauma: Asian re-integration after study in the West. Journal of Studies in International Education, 15(1), 93-111.
  • Sanchez, E. (2014). The community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries: The role of language in a globalizing world. Atlantic Future Scientific Paper, 14, (Son erişim tarihi: 28.03.2022).
  • Schwartzman, S. (1993). Policies for higher education in Latin America: The context. Higher Education, 25, 9-20.
  • Shin, J. C. and Harman, G. (2009). New challenges for higher education: global and Asia-Pacific perspectives, Asia Pacific Education Review, 10, 1-13.
  • Sidhu, R. et al. (2021). International student mobilities in a contagion: (Im)mobilising higher education. Geographical Research, 59, 313-323.
  • Soler, M. G. (2014). Intergovernmental Scientific Networks in Latin America: Supporting Broader Regional Relationships and Integration. Science & Diplomacy, 3 (4). Available online at. (Son erişim tarihi: 10.03.2022).
  • Tham, S. Y. (2013). Internationalizing higher education in Malaysia: Government policies and university’s response. Journal of Studies in International Education, 17(5), 648-662.
  • Theiler, J. C. (2005). Internationalization of higher education in Argentina. H. de Wit, I. C. Jaramillo, J. Gacel-Ávila and J. Knight (Ed.), Higher education in Latin America: The international dimension (s. 71-110). Washington: World Bank.
  • Tsevetkova, N. (2008). International education during the Cold War: Soviet social transformation and American social reproduction. Comparative Education Review, 52(2), 199-217.
  • Türkiye Scholarships (2022). Full time scholarships. Retrieved from: (Son erişim tarihi: 18.03.2022).
  • UDEF (2022). About us. (Son erişim tarihi: 12.02.2022).
  • Uribe-Roldan, J. (2014). A view from Latin America: Two generations of reforms on higher education; towards a new decade of collaboration. C. A. Brown (Ed.), Globalization international education policy and local policy formation - Voices from the developing World (s. 201-214) içinde. London: Springer.
  • Walker, P. (2014). International student policies in UK higher education from colonialism to the coalition developments and consequences. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18(4), 325-344.
  • YÖK (2022). Uyruğa göre öğrenci sayıları. (Son erişim tarihi: 29 Mart 2022).
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Research Articles

Ruhi Can Alkın 0000-0002-8608-4043

Early Pub Date June 29, 2022
Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date May 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Alkın, R. C. (2022). The Effect of Geographic and Historical Ties in the Routes of International Students: An Assessment on Selected Regions. Olgu Sosyoloji Dergisi, 1(1), 1-10.