Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 755 - 758, 30.06.2017


is a concept with an increasing emphasis on the health sector. Mobbing is the
most important formation that affects the motivation of health personnel in the
negative direction. In this study, it is aimed to examine the effect of the mobing
in the workplace on the entrepreneurship activities of the individual. Articles
on entrepreneurship are searched by key words such as mobbing,
entrepreneurship, in PubMed, Medline, EBSCOHost, PsycINFO, Turkish Medline,
Çukurova Index Databases and Google Scholar and it has benefited from the work
that is appropriate for review. Today, as in other fields, mobbing is also
mentioned in the field of health and there is serious loss of workplace
performance in health personnel exposed to mobinge. Individuals can have more
devastating consequences than other types of stress. However, systematic
violence within an institution may cause an individual to live anxiety, threat,
insecurity about the future. This may jeopardize the entrepreneurship of the
individual as it can affect the decision-making power, autonomy, in business
life. In health institutions, administratively, initiatives to prevent mobiling
can help to support the entrepreneurial traits of the staff and improve their


  • Alkorashy HA, Al Moalad FB. (2016) Workplace violence against nursing staff in a Saudi university hospital. Int Nurs Rev. 63(2):226-32.
  • Aksakal FN, Karaşahin EF, Dikmen AU, Avci E, Ozkan S. (2015) Workplace physical violence, verbal violence, and mobbing experienced by nurses at a university hospital. Turk J Med Sci.
  • Buunk AP, Franco S, Dijkstra P, Zurriaga R. (2016) Mobbing in Schools and Hospitals in Uruguay: Prevalence and Relation to Loss of Status.J Interpers Violence. Jan 19
  • Caporale L, Palese A, Bortoluzzi G. (2012) The leadership style as a mitigator of the insurgence of mobbing risk. Results from an empirical research on Italian nurses]. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. Jan-Mar;34
  • Chen WC, Sun YH, Lan TH, Chiu HJ. (2009) Incidence and risk factors of workplace violence on nursing staffs caring for chronic psychiatric patients in taiwan. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Nov;6(11):2812-21
  • Chen WC, Hwu HG, Wang JD. (2009) Hospital staff responses to workplace violence in a psychiatric hospital in Taiwan. Int J Occup Environ Health. Apr-Jun;15(2):173-9.
  • Domínguez Fernández JM, Padilla Segura I (2013). Behavioral types in relation to burnout, mobbing, personality, and adaptation of selfconduct in health care workers. Aten Primaria. Apr;45(4):199-207
  • Dikmetaş E, Top M, Ergin G (2011). An examination of mobbing and burnout of residents. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. Fall;22(3):137-49 Duffy M, Sperry L. (2007). Workplace mobbing: Individual and family health consequences.The Family Journal, 15(4), 398-404.
  • Karakaş SA, Okanli A. (2015). The Effect of Assertiveness Training on the Mobbing That Nurses Experience. Workplace Health Saf. Oct;63(10):446-51
  • Karsavuran S, Kaya S. (2015). The relationship between burnout and mobbing among hospital managers. Nurs Ethics. Sep 8.
  • Kehribar A, Karabela Ş N, Kart Yaşar K, Okur A,Derya M , Özgür C , Çankaya F (2017). Çalışma hayatında mobbing: nedenleri, bileşenleri ve ülkemizdeki hukuki durumu. Bakırköy Tıp Dergisi;13:1-9
  • Leymann H. (1990). Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces, Violence and Victims 5(2), 119-126.
  • Milutinović D, Prokes B, Gavrilov-Jerkovié V, Filipović D (2009). Mobbing--special reference to the nursing profession. Med Pregl. NovDec;62(11-12):529-33
  • Pai HC, Lee S. (2011). Risk factors for workplace violence in clinical registered nurses in Taiwan. J Clin Nurs. May;20(9-10):1405-12
  • Sahin B, Cetin M, Cimen M, Yildiran N. (2012). Assessment of Turkish junior male physicians' exposure to mobbing behavior. Croat Med J. Aug;53(4):357-66.
  • Sepúlveda-Vildósola AC, Mota-Nova AR, Fajardo-Dolci GE, Reyes-Lagunes LI. (2017). Workplace bullying during specialty training in a pediatric hospital in Mexico: a little-noticed phenomenon. Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc.;55 Suppl 1:S92-S101
  • Signorelli M S , Costanzo M C , Cinconze M , Concerto C. (2013). What kind of diagnosis in a case of mobbing: post-traumatic stress disorder or adjustment disorder? BMJ Case Rep. bcr2013010080.
  • Teymourzadeh E, Rashidian A, Arab M, Akbari-Sari A, Hakimzadeh SM. (2014). Nurses exposure to workplace violence in a large teaching hospital in Iran. Int J Health Policy Manag. Oct 4;3(6):301-5
  • Topa G, Moriano JA. (2013). Stress and nurses' horizontal mobbing: moderating effects of group identity and group support.Nurs Outlook. May-Jun;61(3):e25-31
Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 755 - 758, 30.06.2017



  • Alkorashy HA, Al Moalad FB. (2016) Workplace violence against nursing staff in a Saudi university hospital. Int Nurs Rev. 63(2):226-32.
  • Aksakal FN, Karaşahin EF, Dikmen AU, Avci E, Ozkan S. (2015) Workplace physical violence, verbal violence, and mobbing experienced by nurses at a university hospital. Turk J Med Sci.
  • Buunk AP, Franco S, Dijkstra P, Zurriaga R. (2016) Mobbing in Schools and Hospitals in Uruguay: Prevalence and Relation to Loss of Status.J Interpers Violence. Jan 19
  • Caporale L, Palese A, Bortoluzzi G. (2012) The leadership style as a mitigator of the insurgence of mobbing risk. Results from an empirical research on Italian nurses]. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. Jan-Mar;34
  • Chen WC, Sun YH, Lan TH, Chiu HJ. (2009) Incidence and risk factors of workplace violence on nursing staffs caring for chronic psychiatric patients in taiwan. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Nov;6(11):2812-21
  • Chen WC, Hwu HG, Wang JD. (2009) Hospital staff responses to workplace violence in a psychiatric hospital in Taiwan. Int J Occup Environ Health. Apr-Jun;15(2):173-9.
  • Domínguez Fernández JM, Padilla Segura I (2013). Behavioral types in relation to burnout, mobbing, personality, and adaptation of selfconduct in health care workers. Aten Primaria. Apr;45(4):199-207
  • Dikmetaş E, Top M, Ergin G (2011). An examination of mobbing and burnout of residents. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. Fall;22(3):137-49 Duffy M, Sperry L. (2007). Workplace mobbing: Individual and family health consequences.The Family Journal, 15(4), 398-404.
  • Karakaş SA, Okanli A. (2015). The Effect of Assertiveness Training on the Mobbing That Nurses Experience. Workplace Health Saf. Oct;63(10):446-51
  • Karsavuran S, Kaya S. (2015). The relationship between burnout and mobbing among hospital managers. Nurs Ethics. Sep 8.
  • Kehribar A, Karabela Ş N, Kart Yaşar K, Okur A,Derya M , Özgür C , Çankaya F (2017). Çalışma hayatında mobbing: nedenleri, bileşenleri ve ülkemizdeki hukuki durumu. Bakırköy Tıp Dergisi;13:1-9
  • Leymann H. (1990). Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces, Violence and Victims 5(2), 119-126.
  • Milutinović D, Prokes B, Gavrilov-Jerkovié V, Filipović D (2009). Mobbing--special reference to the nursing profession. Med Pregl. NovDec;62(11-12):529-33
  • Pai HC, Lee S. (2011). Risk factors for workplace violence in clinical registered nurses in Taiwan. J Clin Nurs. May;20(9-10):1405-12
  • Sahin B, Cetin M, Cimen M, Yildiran N. (2012). Assessment of Turkish junior male physicians' exposure to mobbing behavior. Croat Med J. Aug;53(4):357-66.
  • Sepúlveda-Vildósola AC, Mota-Nova AR, Fajardo-Dolci GE, Reyes-Lagunes LI. (2017). Workplace bullying during specialty training in a pediatric hospital in Mexico: a little-noticed phenomenon. Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc.;55 Suppl 1:S92-S101
  • Signorelli M S , Costanzo M C , Cinconze M , Concerto C. (2013). What kind of diagnosis in a case of mobbing: post-traumatic stress disorder or adjustment disorder? BMJ Case Rep. bcr2013010080.
  • Teymourzadeh E, Rashidian A, Arab M, Akbari-Sari A, Hakimzadeh SM. (2014). Nurses exposure to workplace violence in a large teaching hospital in Iran. Int J Health Policy Manag. Oct 4;3(6):301-5
  • Topa G, Moriano JA. (2013). Stress and nurses' horizontal mobbing: moderating effects of group identity and group support.Nurs Outlook. May-Jun;61(3):e25-31
There are 19 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Gulseren Keskin

Gul Ozlem Yildirim

Elif Aktekin

Sureyya Gumussoy This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Keskin, G., Yildirim, G. O., Aktekin, E., Gumussoy, S. (2017). MOBBING IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS: IS IT AN OBSTACLE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?. PressAcademia Procedia, 3(1), 755-758.
AMA Keskin G, Yildirim GO, Aktekin E, Gumussoy S. MOBBING IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS: IS IT AN OBSTACLE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?. PAP. June 2017;3(1):755-758. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.654
Chicago Keskin, Gulseren, Gul Ozlem Yildirim, Elif Aktekin, and Sureyya Gumussoy. “MOBBING IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS: IS IT AN OBSTACLE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?”. PressAcademia Procedia 3, no. 1 (June 2017): 755-58.
EndNote Keskin G, Yildirim GO, Aktekin E, Gumussoy S (June 1, 2017) MOBBING IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS: IS IT AN OBSTACLE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?. PressAcademia Procedia 3 1 755–758.
IEEE G. Keskin, G. O. Yildirim, E. Aktekin, and S. Gumussoy, “MOBBING IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS: IS IT AN OBSTACLE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?”, PAP, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 755–758, 2017, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.654.
ISNAD Keskin, Gulseren et al. “MOBBING IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS: IS IT AN OBSTACLE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?”. PressAcademia Procedia 3/1 (June 2017), 755-758.
MLA Keskin, Gulseren et al. “MOBBING IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS: IS IT AN OBSTACLE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?”. PressAcademia Procedia, vol. 3, no. 1, 2017, pp. 755-8, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.654.
Vancouver Keskin G, Yildirim GO, Aktekin E, Gumussoy S. MOBBING IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS: IS IT AN OBSTACLE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?. PAP. 2017;3(1):755-8.

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