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Year 2013, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 27 - 34, 13.02.2014


The aim of this study is to determine injury types and injured body parts of handball athletes in competition and training in our country so that we will be able to find tangible data providing facility to prepare protector program for most injured body parts. A total of 705 athletes (male, 492; female, 213), who are the ones at different ages participated in handball tournaments in 2011 in Turkey and young male and female national team players (22 male, 22 female) joined voluntarily to the study. A questionnaire about the subject was asked to athletes. It is determined that the min-max age rage of sporters is 11-31 and the average age of them is 17.04±4.6, 69.08% of sporters who participated in the study are male and 30.2% of them are female. 52.6% of the athletes reported that they got at least one injury in their sports life and 47.4% of them reported that they have had no injury. The injury incidence in relation to exposure in competition and training was 65% and 35%, respectively. The most popular incidence of injury in competition (37.8%) and training (45.8%) was sprain and it is determined that foot and ankle were the most commonly injured body parts. The most injured body parts in handball caused by competition and training are ankle, knee, and calf-thigh. It is evaluated that exercise programs for these body parts should be developed and added to training programs to lessen incidence of injuries except ones caused by factors being particular to sports


  • Andren-Sandberg A, Linstrand A. Injuries Sustained in Junior League Handball Sacnd. Journal Social Medicine, 1982; 10: 101-104.
  • Arslan F. The Effect of a Eight-Week Proprioception Training Programme on Dynamic Postural Control in Taekwon do Athletes. Doctoral thesis, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara, Turkey, 2009.
  • Bandy WD, McLaughlin S. İntramachine and Intermachine Reliability for Selected Dynamic Muscle Performance Tests. J. Orthop Sports Phys. Ther, 1993; 18(5): 609-613.
  • Baltacı G, Tunay VB, Tuncer A, Ergun N. Spor Yaralanmalarında Egzersiz Tedavisi. 2. Ed., Alp Publishing Company, 2006.
  • Church JB, Wiggins MS, Moode FM, Crist R. Effect of Warm- Up and Flexibility Treatments on Vertical Jump performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2001; 15(3): 332-336.
  • Çaglav F. 40-45 Yas Arası Bayanalarda 8 Haftalık Plates Çalısmasının Esneklik ve Denge Üzerine Etkileri. Mugla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2005.
  • Dirx M, Geus GH. Aetiology of Handball Injuries: ACase- Control Study. Britisch Journal Sport Medicine, 1992; 26(3): 121-4.
  • Ekstrand J, Gillquıst J, Liljedahl S. Prevention of soccer injuries: supervision of doctor and physiotherapist. Am J Sports Med, 1983; 11: 116-120.
  • Ergen E. Causes of injuries in childhood and adolescence, epidemiology, risk factors. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 2004; 38(Suppl 1): 27-31.
  • Ergun N, Baltacı G. Spor Yaralanmalarında Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Prensipleri. 1. Basım. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Yayınları. 1997.
  • Heere L, Linder van T. Zaalhandbal Geneeskunde en Sport, 1983; 16(3): 50-52.
  • Hlobil H, Mechelen W van. Preventie van Sportletsel, Dell 2. Amsterdam: IFLO. 1986.
  • Kirişçi İ. Takım Sporu Yapan Bireylerde Görülen Sakatlık Türleri ve Bu Sakatlıkların Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi (Bursa Örneği). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2010.
  • Knapık JJ, Jones BH, Bauman CL, Haris J. Strength, flexibility and athletic injuries. Sports Med, 1992; 14(2): 277-88.
  • Knudson D, Bennett K, Corn R, Leick D, Smith C. Acute effect of stretching are not evident in the kinematics of the vertical jump. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2001; 15 (1):98-101.
  • Knudson D. Stretching During Warm-Up: Do We Have Enough Evidence. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 1999; 70(7): 24-27.
  • Muammer R. Düzenli Egzersiz Yapan Kişilerde Ayak Tabanı Deri Rezistansınının Proprioseption Duyu ve Denge Üzerine Etkilerinin Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. 2008. Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık
  • Langevoort G, Myklebust G, Dvorak J, Junge A. Handball injuries during major international tournament. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2007; 17(4): 400-7.
  • Nielsen A B, Yde J. An epidemiologic and traumatologic study of injuries in handball. Int Journal Sports Medicine, 1988; 09(5):341-44.
  • Resmi Gazete, 07.12.2001, 24606. Sporcu Lisans Tescil, Vize ve Transfer Yönetmeliği.
  • Sakallı FMH. Injuring of athletes and risk factors. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, 2008; 3(7): 13-14.
  • Savranbaşı R. Effect of early participation to high level sports training on development and growth of children. The Journal of Pediatric Research, 2006; 13(1): 67-72.
  • Sarı Z. Sporda Fonksiyonel Anatomi. Birol Basın Yayın Dağıtım, İstanbul.1998; 27–33.
  • SevimY. Hentbol Teknik-Taktik. Nobel Kitapevi, Ankara.2002.
  • Shellock FG, Prentice WE. Warming-up and stretching for improved physical performance and prevention of sports- related injuries. Sports Med, 1985; 2: 267-278.
  • Solligard T, Myklebust G, Steffen K. Holme I, Silvers H, Bizzini M, Junge A, Dvorak J, Bahr R, Andersen TE. Comprehensive Warm-Up Programme to Prevent Injuries in Young female Footballers: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. BMJ, 2008; 337: 2469.
  • Yde J, Nielsen AB. Sports injuries in adolescents’ball games: soccer, handball and basketball. Britisch Journal Medicine, 1990; 24(1): 51-54.
  • Yıldız Y, Göçgeldi E. Spor yaralanmalari ve önlenmesi. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 2002; 1(4):5-7.
  • Ziyagil MA, Tamer K, Zorba E. Beden Eğitimi ve Sporda Temel Motorik Özelliklerin ve Esnekligin Gelistirilmesi. 1. Basım, Ankara: Ofset Hazırlık ve Basın, 1994.

Analysis of sports injuries in training and competition for handball players

Year 2013, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 27 - 34, 13.02.2014


The aim of this study is to determine injury types and injured body parts of handball athletes in competition and  training in our country so that we will be able to find tangible data providing facility to prepare protector program for most injured body parts. A total of 705 athletes (male, 492; female, 213), who are the ones at different ages participated in handball tournaments in 2011 in Turkey and young male and female national team players (22 male, 22 female) joined voluntarily to the study. A questionnaire about the subject was asked to athletes. It is determined that the min-max age rage of sporters is 11-31 and the average age of them is 17.04±4.6, 69.08% of sporters who participated in the study are male and 30.2% of them are female.  52.6% of the athletes reported that they got at least one injury in their sports life and 47.4% of them reported that they have had no injury. The injury incidence in relation to exposure in competition and training was 65% and 35%, respectively. The most popular incidence of injury in competition (37.8%) and training (45.8%) was sprain and it is determined that foot and ankle were the most commonly injured body parts. The most injured body parts in handball caused by competition and training are ankle, knee, and calf-thigh.  It is evaluated that exercise programs for these body parts should be developed and added to training programs to lessen incidence of injuries except ones caused by factors being particular to sports. 


  • Andren-Sandberg A, Linstrand A. Injuries Sustained in Junior League Handball Sacnd. Journal Social Medicine, 1982; 10: 101-104.
  • Arslan F. The Effect of a Eight-Week Proprioception Training Programme on Dynamic Postural Control in Taekwon do Athletes. Doctoral thesis, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara, Turkey, 2009.
  • Bandy WD, McLaughlin S. İntramachine and Intermachine Reliability for Selected Dynamic Muscle Performance Tests. J. Orthop Sports Phys. Ther, 1993; 18(5): 609-613.
  • Baltacı G, Tunay VB, Tuncer A, Ergun N. Spor Yaralanmalarında Egzersiz Tedavisi. 2. Ed., Alp Publishing Company, 2006.
  • Church JB, Wiggins MS, Moode FM, Crist R. Effect of Warm- Up and Flexibility Treatments on Vertical Jump performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2001; 15(3): 332-336.
  • Çaglav F. 40-45 Yas Arası Bayanalarda 8 Haftalık Plates Çalısmasının Esneklik ve Denge Üzerine Etkileri. Mugla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2005.
  • Dirx M, Geus GH. Aetiology of Handball Injuries: ACase- Control Study. Britisch Journal Sport Medicine, 1992; 26(3): 121-4.
  • Ekstrand J, Gillquıst J, Liljedahl S. Prevention of soccer injuries: supervision of doctor and physiotherapist. Am J Sports Med, 1983; 11: 116-120.
  • Ergen E. Causes of injuries in childhood and adolescence, epidemiology, risk factors. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 2004; 38(Suppl 1): 27-31.
  • Ergun N, Baltacı G. Spor Yaralanmalarında Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Prensipleri. 1. Basım. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Yayınları. 1997.
  • Heere L, Linder van T. Zaalhandbal Geneeskunde en Sport, 1983; 16(3): 50-52.
  • Hlobil H, Mechelen W van. Preventie van Sportletsel, Dell 2. Amsterdam: IFLO. 1986.
  • Kirişçi İ. Takım Sporu Yapan Bireylerde Görülen Sakatlık Türleri ve Bu Sakatlıkların Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi (Bursa Örneği). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2010.
  • Knapık JJ, Jones BH, Bauman CL, Haris J. Strength, flexibility and athletic injuries. Sports Med, 1992; 14(2): 277-88.
  • Knudson D, Bennett K, Corn R, Leick D, Smith C. Acute effect of stretching are not evident in the kinematics of the vertical jump. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2001; 15 (1):98-101.
  • Knudson D. Stretching During Warm-Up: Do We Have Enough Evidence. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 1999; 70(7): 24-27.
  • Muammer R. Düzenli Egzersiz Yapan Kişilerde Ayak Tabanı Deri Rezistansınının Proprioseption Duyu ve Denge Üzerine Etkilerinin Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. 2008. Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık
  • Langevoort G, Myklebust G, Dvorak J, Junge A. Handball injuries during major international tournament. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2007; 17(4): 400-7.
  • Nielsen A B, Yde J. An epidemiologic and traumatologic study of injuries in handball. Int Journal Sports Medicine, 1988; 09(5):341-44.
  • Resmi Gazete, 07.12.2001, 24606. Sporcu Lisans Tescil, Vize ve Transfer Yönetmeliği.
  • Sakallı FMH. Injuring of athletes and risk factors. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, 2008; 3(7): 13-14.
  • Savranbaşı R. Effect of early participation to high level sports training on development and growth of children. The Journal of Pediatric Research, 2006; 13(1): 67-72.
  • Sarı Z. Sporda Fonksiyonel Anatomi. Birol Basın Yayın Dağıtım, İstanbul.1998; 27–33.
  • SevimY. Hentbol Teknik-Taktik. Nobel Kitapevi, Ankara.2002.
  • Shellock FG, Prentice WE. Warming-up and stretching for improved physical performance and prevention of sports- related injuries. Sports Med, 1985; 2: 267-278.
  • Solligard T, Myklebust G, Steffen K. Holme I, Silvers H, Bizzini M, Junge A, Dvorak J, Bahr R, Andersen TE. Comprehensive Warm-Up Programme to Prevent Injuries in Young female Footballers: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. BMJ, 2008; 337: 2469.
  • Yde J, Nielsen AB. Sports injuries in adolescents’ball games: soccer, handball and basketball. Britisch Journal Medicine, 1990; 24(1): 51-54.
  • Yıldız Y, Göçgeldi E. Spor yaralanmalari ve önlenmesi. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 2002; 1(4):5-7.
  • Ziyagil MA, Tamer K, Zorba E. Beden Eğitimi ve Sporda Temel Motorik Özelliklerin ve Esnekligin Gelistirilmesi. 1. Basım, Ankara: Ofset Hazırlık ve Basın, 1994.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Muharrem Karanfılcı This is me

Banu Kabak

Publication Date February 13, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 15 Issue: 3


APA Karanfılcı, M., & Kabak, B. (2014). Analysis of sports injuries in training and competition for handball players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 15(3), 27-34.
AMA Karanfılcı M, Kabak B. Analysis of sports injuries in training and competition for handball players. Turk J Sport Exe. February 2014;15(3):27-34. doi:10.15314/tjse.04042
Chicago Karanfılcı, Muharrem, and Banu Kabak. “Analysis of Sports Injuries in Training and Competition for Handball Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 15, no. 3 (February 2014): 27-34.
EndNote Karanfılcı M, Kabak B (February 1, 2014) Analysis of sports injuries in training and competition for handball players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 15 3 27–34.
IEEE M. Karanfılcı and B. Kabak, “Analysis of sports injuries in training and competition for handball players”, Turk J Sport Exe, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 27–34, 2014, doi: 10.15314/tjse.04042.
ISNAD Karanfılcı, Muharrem - Kabak, Banu. “Analysis of Sports Injuries in Training and Competition for Handball Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 15/3 (February 2014), 27-34.
JAMA Karanfılcı M, Kabak B. Analysis of sports injuries in training and competition for handball players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2014;15:27–34.
MLA Karanfılcı, Muharrem and Banu Kabak. “Analysis of Sports Injuries in Training and Competition for Handball Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, vol. 15, no. 3, 2014, pp. 27-34, doi:10.15314/tjse.04042.
Vancouver Karanfılcı M, Kabak B. Analysis of sports injuries in training and competition for handball players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2014;15(3):27-34.

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