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Plasental İmplantasyon Defektli Annelerin Bebeklerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Tek Merkez Sonuçları

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3, 426 - 429, 25.12.2019


Amaç: Plasental implantasyon defektleri, antepartum
vajinal kanamanın en önemli nedenleridir. Ek olarak, perinatal komplikasyonların
insidansı da, özellikle preterm ve gebelik yaşına göre küçük doğan bebeklere
bağlı olarak artmaktadır. Yenidoğanlarda diğer komplikasyonlar intrauterin
asfiksi, enfeksiyonlar, solunum sıkıntısıdır.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, bu durumların
anne ve yenidoğanda getirdiği sonuçlarla olan ilişkilerini belirlemektir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde 2014-2015 yıllarında plasental
implantasyon bozukluğu olan annelerin bebekleri geriye dönük olarak tarandı ve
çalışmaya alındı. Fetal kayıplar, ölü doğumlar ve canlı doğumlar kaydedildi. Yenidoğan
değerlendirmesi; yoğun bakım ünitesine yatırılan bebeklerin Apgar skorları,
doğum ağırlığı, doğum odasında resusitasyon, solunum sıkıntısı, yüzey aktif
madde uygulaması, ventilatör desteği, erken ve geç başlangıçlı yenidoğan
sepsisi, beslenme toleransı, major anomalileri ve mortaliteleri hastane
kayıtlarından araştırıldı.

Bulgular: Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde
yatırılan 116 bebek (% 90,62) prematür iken, dokuz (% 7,03) bebek ciddi
respiratuar distres sendromu (RDS) için surfaktan tedavisi aldı. Pnömoni,
yenidoğanın geçici takipnesi veya RDS nedeniyle solunum sıkıntısı gelişen ve bu
yüzden hastanede takip edilen 68 bebeğe ventilator desteği verildi. Plasental
implantasyon bozukluğu olan annelerin bebeklerinin yenidoğan yoğun bakım
ünitesinde yatış oranının yüksek olduğu gözlendi.

Sonuç: Annelerin doğum öncesi takiplerinin dikkatli
yapılmasının yanı sıra, bu gebelerin üçüncü düzey yenidoğan yoğun bakım
üniteleri olan merkezlerde doğum yapmaları da önemlidir.


  • 1. Kahyaoğlu S, Çelen Ş, Kahyaoğlu İ, Mollamahmutoğlu L, Danışman N. Plasenta yapışma anomalileri: Klinik yaklaşım ve yönetim Cumhuriyet Tıp Derg 2013; 35: 618-628.
  • 2. Mehasseb MK, Konje JC (Çeviren; A. Baloğlu, B. Çetinkaya) Bölüm 10; Plasenta Anomalileri. In: A textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage Ed:CB Lynch, LG Keith, AB Lalonde, M Karoshi (Doğum Sonu Kanama. Çeviri Ed: Cansun Demir, Selim Büyükkurt) 2010;76-89.
  • 3.Berhan Y. Predictors of Perinatal Mortality Associated with Placenta Previa and Placental Abruption: An Experience from a Low Income Country. J Pregnancy 2014; 1-10.
  • 4.Ananth CV, Vintzileos AM. Maternal-fetal conditions necessitating a medical intervention resulting in preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006;195:1557-1563.
  • 5.Vahanian SA, Lavery JA, Ananth CV, Vintzileos A. Placental implantation abnormalities and risk of preterm delivery: a systematic review and metaanalysis Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015;213(4 Suppl):78-90.
  • 6.Ananth CV, Smulian JC, Vintzileos AM. The effect of placenta previa on neonatal mortality: A population-based study in the United States, 1989 through 1997 Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;188:1299-1304.
  • 7.Kassem GA, Alzahrani AK. Maternal and neonatal outcomes of placenta previa andplacenta accreta: three years of experience with a two-consultant approach. Int J Womens Health 2013; 28:803-810.
  • 8.Räisänen S, Kancherla V, Kramer MR, Gissler M, Heinonen S. Placenta previa and the risk of delivering a small-for-gestational-age newborn.Obstet Gynecol 2014;124:285-291.
  • 9.Harper LM, Odibo AO, Macones GA, Crane JP, Cahill AG. Effect of placenta previa on fetal growth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;203:330.e1-5.
  • 10.Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Antecedents of cerebral palsy. Univariate analysis of risks. Am J Dis Child 1985;139:1031–1038.
  • 11.Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Antecedents of cerebral palsy. Multivariate analysis of risk. N Engl J Med 1986;315:81–86.
  • 12.Spinillo A, Fazzi E, Stronati M, Ometto A, Capuzzo E, Guaschino S. Early morbidity and neurodevelopmental outcome in low-birth weight infants born after third trimester bleeding. Am J Perinatol 1994;11:85–90.
  • 13.Matsuda Y, Maeda T, Kuono S. Comparison of neonatal outcome including cerebral palsy between abruptio placentae and placenta previa. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003;106:125–129.
  • 14.Furuta K, Tokunaga S, Furukawa S, Sameshima H. Acute and massive bleeding from placenta previa and infants' brain damage. Early Human Development 2014;90:455–458.
  • 15.Tsuda H, Kotani T, Sumigama S, et al. Effect of placenta previa on neonatal respiratory disorders and amniotic lamellar body counts at 36–38 weeks of gestation. Early Hum Dev 2014;90:51-54.
  • 16.Lin C, Wang S, Hsu Y, Lin Y, Yeh T, Chang F. Risk for respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants born to mothers complicated by placenta previa. Early Hum Dev 2001;60:215-224.
  • 17.Bekku S, Mitsuda N, Ogita K, Suehara N, Fujimura M, Aono T. High incidence of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in infants born to mothers with placenta previa J Matern Fetal Med 2000;9:110-113.
  • 18.Singh R, Pradeep Y. Maternal and neonatal outcomes in morbidly adherent placenta: a developing country experience. Trop Doct 2015;45:183-187.
  • 19.Kancherla V, Räisänen S, Gissler M, Kramer MR, Heinonen S. Placenta Previa and Risk of Major Congenital Malformations among Singleton Births in Finland. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2015;103:527-535.
  • 20. Neri A, Manor Y, Matityahu A, Blieden L. Placenta previa and congenital cardiac anomalies. Fetal Ther 1989;4:138-140.
  • 21.Park CW, Moon KC, Park JS, Jun JK, Yoon BH. The Frequency and Clinical Significance of Intra-Uterine Infection and Inflammation in Patients with Placenta Previa and PretermLabor and Intact Membranes. Placenta 2009;30:613-618.
  • 22.Madan I, Romero R, Kusanovic JP, et al. The frequency and clinical significance of intra-amniotic infection and/or inflammation in women with placenta previa and vaginal bleeding: an unexpected observation. J Perinat Med 2010; 38: 275–279.

Evaluation of the Babies of Mothers With Placental Implantation Defects: Single center results

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3, 426 - 429, 25.12.2019


Background: Placental implantation defects are the most important causes of
antepartum vaginal bleeding. In addition, the incidence of perinatal
complications is also increased mainly due to preterm birth and
small-forgestational-age fetuses. The other complications in neonates are
intrauterine asphyxia, infections, respiratory distress. The aim of this study
is to determine its association with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.

Materials and Methods: Babies of the mothers with placental
implantation defects followed in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in
2014-2015 were retrospectively sectional screened and involved in the study.
Fetal loses, stillbirth fetuses, and live births were recorded.  Neonatal evaluation included Apgar scores,
birth weight, resuscitation in delivery room, respiratory distress, surfactant
application, ventilator support, early and late onset neonatal sepsis, feeding
tolerance, major anomalies and mortalities of the babies hospitalized in
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit were investigated from hospital records.

There were 116 premature infants (90,62%) hospitalized in NICU and 9 infants
(7,03%) had surfactant therapy for severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).
Also, there were 68 infants hospitalized for respiratory distress due to pneumonia,
transient tachypnea of neonate or RDS had ventilator support. NICU
hospitalization incidence is higher in neonates of mothers with placental
implantation defects.

Conclusion: As well as antenatal careful follow up of mothers,
it is also important that these pregnants give births in centers with third
level neonatal intensive care units


  • 1. Kahyaoğlu S, Çelen Ş, Kahyaoğlu İ, Mollamahmutoğlu L, Danışman N. Plasenta yapışma anomalileri: Klinik yaklaşım ve yönetim Cumhuriyet Tıp Derg 2013; 35: 618-628.
  • 2. Mehasseb MK, Konje JC (Çeviren; A. Baloğlu, B. Çetinkaya) Bölüm 10; Plasenta Anomalileri. In: A textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage Ed:CB Lynch, LG Keith, AB Lalonde, M Karoshi (Doğum Sonu Kanama. Çeviri Ed: Cansun Demir, Selim Büyükkurt) 2010;76-89.
  • 3.Berhan Y. Predictors of Perinatal Mortality Associated with Placenta Previa and Placental Abruption: An Experience from a Low Income Country. J Pregnancy 2014; 1-10.
  • 4.Ananth CV, Vintzileos AM. Maternal-fetal conditions necessitating a medical intervention resulting in preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006;195:1557-1563.
  • 5.Vahanian SA, Lavery JA, Ananth CV, Vintzileos A. Placental implantation abnormalities and risk of preterm delivery: a systematic review and metaanalysis Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015;213(4 Suppl):78-90.
  • 6.Ananth CV, Smulian JC, Vintzileos AM. The effect of placenta previa on neonatal mortality: A population-based study in the United States, 1989 through 1997 Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;188:1299-1304.
  • 7.Kassem GA, Alzahrani AK. Maternal and neonatal outcomes of placenta previa andplacenta accreta: three years of experience with a two-consultant approach. Int J Womens Health 2013; 28:803-810.
  • 8.Räisänen S, Kancherla V, Kramer MR, Gissler M, Heinonen S. Placenta previa and the risk of delivering a small-for-gestational-age newborn.Obstet Gynecol 2014;124:285-291.
  • 9.Harper LM, Odibo AO, Macones GA, Crane JP, Cahill AG. Effect of placenta previa on fetal growth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;203:330.e1-5.
  • 10.Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Antecedents of cerebral palsy. Univariate analysis of risks. Am J Dis Child 1985;139:1031–1038.
  • 11.Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Antecedents of cerebral palsy. Multivariate analysis of risk. N Engl J Med 1986;315:81–86.
  • 12.Spinillo A, Fazzi E, Stronati M, Ometto A, Capuzzo E, Guaschino S. Early morbidity and neurodevelopmental outcome in low-birth weight infants born after third trimester bleeding. Am J Perinatol 1994;11:85–90.
  • 13.Matsuda Y, Maeda T, Kuono S. Comparison of neonatal outcome including cerebral palsy between abruptio placentae and placenta previa. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003;106:125–129.
  • 14.Furuta K, Tokunaga S, Furukawa S, Sameshima H. Acute and massive bleeding from placenta previa and infants' brain damage. Early Human Development 2014;90:455–458.
  • 15.Tsuda H, Kotani T, Sumigama S, et al. Effect of placenta previa on neonatal respiratory disorders and amniotic lamellar body counts at 36–38 weeks of gestation. Early Hum Dev 2014;90:51-54.
  • 16.Lin C, Wang S, Hsu Y, Lin Y, Yeh T, Chang F. Risk for respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants born to mothers complicated by placenta previa. Early Hum Dev 2001;60:215-224.
  • 17.Bekku S, Mitsuda N, Ogita K, Suehara N, Fujimura M, Aono T. High incidence of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in infants born to mothers with placenta previa J Matern Fetal Med 2000;9:110-113.
  • 18.Singh R, Pradeep Y. Maternal and neonatal outcomes in morbidly adherent placenta: a developing country experience. Trop Doct 2015;45:183-187.
  • 19.Kancherla V, Räisänen S, Gissler M, Kramer MR, Heinonen S. Placenta Previa and Risk of Major Congenital Malformations among Singleton Births in Finland. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2015;103:527-535.
  • 20. Neri A, Manor Y, Matityahu A, Blieden L. Placenta previa and congenital cardiac anomalies. Fetal Ther 1989;4:138-140.
  • 21.Park CW, Moon KC, Park JS, Jun JK, Yoon BH. The Frequency and Clinical Significance of Intra-Uterine Infection and Inflammation in Patients with Placenta Previa and PretermLabor and Intact Membranes. Placenta 2009;30:613-618.
  • 22.Madan I, Romero R, Kusanovic JP, et al. The frequency and clinical significance of intra-amniotic infection and/or inflammation in women with placenta previa and vaginal bleeding: an unexpected observation. J Perinat Med 2010; 38: 275–279.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Adnan Barutçu 0000-0001-8930-1122

Ferda Özlü 0000-0002-2092-8426

Ayşe Hitay İnan Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2989-6480

Selim Büyükkurt 0000-0003-0572-254X

Hacer Yapıcıoğlu Yıldızdaş 0000-0001-6295-553X

Mehmet Satar 0000-0002-5718-0503

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Ağustos 2019
Kabul Tarihi 25 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Barutçu A, Özlü F, İnan AH, Büyükkurt S, Yapıcıoğlu Yıldızdaş H, Satar M. Evaluation of the Babies of Mothers With Placental Implantation Defects: Single center results. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;16(3):426-9.

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi  / Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty