Ali Türk
Özlem Saygılı
Tuğrul Örmeci
Ulaş Can
Serpil Yaylacı
Abdominal lymphangiomas are rare cystic lesions most commonly located in the small bowel mesentery. They may be asymptomatic or present with a variety of nonspesific abdominal symptoms including acute or chronic abdominal pain and distension. Although ultrasonography may show its cystic nature, CT and MRI are necessary to show its complex anatomic relationships. Here we report a case of cystic lymphangioma located in the small bowel mesentery incidentally diagnosed with multislice CT
Campbell WJ, Irwin ST, Biggart JD: Benign lymphangioma of the jejunal mesentery: an unusual cause of small bowel obstruction. Gut 1991, 32:1568.
Levy A, Cantisani V. Abdominal Lymphangiomas:Imaging features with Pathologic Correlation. AJR 2004;182:1485-1491.
Weeda VB, Booij KAC, Aronson DC: Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma: a congenital and an acquired anomaly? Two cases and a review of the literature. J Pediatr Surg 2008, 43:1206-1208.
Ali Türk
Özlem Saygılı
Tuğrul Örmeci
Ulaş Can
Serpil Yaylacı
Abdominal lenfanjiomlar oldukça seyrek görülen kistik lezyonlar olup en sık ince barsak mezenterinde yerleşim gösterir. Asemptomatik olabileceği gibi akut ya da kronik karın ağrısı ve distansiyon gibi nonspesifik semptomlar görülebilir. Ultrasonografi ile lezyonun kistik karakteri belirlenebilmekle beraber kompleks anatomik ilişkilerinin saptanabilmesi için BT ve MRG gereklidir. Çalışmamızda çok kesitli BT incelemesinde insidental olarak saptanan, ince barsak mezenterinde lokalize kistik lenfanjiom olgusunun bulguları sunulmuştur
Campbell WJ, Irwin ST, Biggart JD: Benign lymphangioma of the jejunal mesentery: an unusual cause of small bowel obstruction. Gut 1991, 32:1568.
Levy A, Cantisani V. Abdominal Lymphangiomas:Imaging features with Pathologic Correlation. AJR 2004;182:1485-1491.
Weeda VB, Booij KAC, Aronson DC: Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma: a congenital and an acquired anomaly? Two cases and a review of the literature. J Pediatr Surg 2008, 43:1206-1208.
Türk A, Saygılı Ö, Örmeci T, Can U, Yaylacı S (01 Eylül 2010) Mezenterik Kistik Lenfanjiom: BT Bulguları. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 3 176–178.