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Transition to Motherhood as an Immigrant: Risks and Obstacles

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 250 - 262, 30.09.2017


The process of transition to motherhood that brings along a number of vital changes may be full of risks and difficulties for immigrant mothers. Poverty, being unfamiliar with the language of the country that the mother migrated, inability of healthcare policies in covering healthcare expenses of immigrants, insufficiency of social assistance and loneliness may negatively affect health of mother and infant. Postpartum immigrant mothers are seen depression, anxiety, stress and social isolation because of these obstacles. Therefore, health care professionals, who provide care to immigrant mothers, should clarify immigrant mothers' religious, cultural beliefs and attitudes. Procurement of peer support is important by developing care programs special to immigrant mothers and ensuring immigrant women to come together. Increase in the number of translators in hospitals and prepara-tion of education materials in native language of mothers will improve the level of benefiting from healthcare services. 


  • Ahmad F, Shik A, Vanza R, Cheung A, George U, Stewart DE (2004) Popular health promotion strategies among Chinese and East Indian immigrant women. Women Health, 40:21–40.
  • Ahmed A, Stewart DE, Teng L, Wahoush O, Gagnon AJ (2008) Experiences of immigrant new mothers with symptoms of depression. Arch Women Ment Health, 11:295–303.
  • Apak H (2014) Suriyeli göçmenlerin kente uyumları: Mardin örneği. Mukaddime, 5:53-71.
  • Aveyard P, Cheng KK, Manaseki S, Gardosi J (2002) The risk of preterm delivery in women from different ethnicgroups. BJOG, 109:894–899.
  • Bandyopadhyay M, Small R, Watson LF, Brown S (2010) Life with a new baby: How do immigrant and Australianborn women’s experiences compare? Aust N Z J Public Health, 34:412–421.
  • Benage M, Greenough PG, Vinck P, Omeira N, Pham P (2015) An assessment of antenatal care among Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Confl Health, 9:2-11.
  • Bender DE, Harbour C, Thorp J, Morris P (2001) Tell me what you mean by ‘‘si’’: perceptions of quality of prenatal care among immigrant Latina women. Qual Health Res, 11:780–94.
  • Beşer A (2012) Göç, Kültür ve Sağlık İlişkisi: Kültürlerarası Hemşirelik. (Ed. Ü Seviğ, G Tanrıverdi):57-71. İstanbul, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi.
  • Bhagat R, Johnson J, Grewal S, Pandher P, Quong E, Triolet K (2002) Mobilizing the community to address the prenatal health needs of Immigrant Punjabi women. Public Health Nurs, 19:209–214.
  • Black RE, Allen LH, Bhutta ZA, Caulfield LE, de Onis M, Ezzati M et al. (2008) Maternal and child undernutrition study group: maternal and child undernutrition: global and regional exposures and health consequences. Lancet, 371;243–260.
  • Bozkuş EG, Konak A (2011) Doğum sonu dönem ile ilgili geleneksel inanç ve uygulamalara dünyadan ve Türkiye’den örnekler. Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken, 3:143-155.
  • Bradby H, Humphris R, Newall D, Phillimore J (2015) Public Health Aspects of Migrant Health: A Review of the Evidence on Health Status for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the European Region. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe.
  • Büyüktiryaki M, Canpolat E, Dizdar EA, Okur N, Şimşek GK (2015) Neonatal outcomes of Syrian refugees delivered in a tertiary hospital in Ankara, Turkey. Confl Health, 9:38-49.
  • Campinha-Bacote J. (2002) The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services: a model of care. J Transcult Nurs, 13:181–184.
  • Carolan M (2010) Pregnancy health status of sub-Saharan refugee women who have resettled in developed countries: a review of the literature. Midwifery, 26:407–414.
  • David M, Pachaly J, Vetter K ( 2006) Perinatal outcome in Berlin (Germany) among immigrants from Turkey. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 274:271–278.
  • Davidson N, Skull S, Burgner D, Kelly P, Raman S, Silove D et al. (2004) An issue of access: delivering equitable health care for newly arrived refugee children in Australia. Paediatr Child Health (Oxford), 40:569–575.
  • DeSouza R. (2004) Motherhood, migration and methodology: Giving voice to the ‘other’. Qual Rep, 9:463–482.
  • Desouza R. (2005) Transforming possibilities of care: Goan migrant motherhood in New Zealand. Contemp Nurse, 20:87–101.
  • Don BP, Chong A, Biehle SN, Gordon A, Mickelson KD (2014) Anxiety across the transition to parenthood: change trajectories among low-risk parents. Anxiety Stress Coping, 27:633-649.
  • Fernandes A, Miguel J (2009). Health and Migration in the European Union: Better Health for All in an Inclusive Society. Lisboa, Instituto Nacional de Sau´de Doutor Ricardo Jorge.
  • Foss GF (2001) Maternal sensitivity, posttraumatic stress, and acculturation in Vietnamese and Hmong mothers. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, 26:257–263.
  • Foss GF, Chantal AW, Hendrickson S (2004) Maternal depression and anxiety and ınfant development: a comparison of foreign-born and native-born mothers. Public Health Nurs, 21:237-246.
  • Ganann R, Sword W, Black M, Carpio B (2012) Influence of maternal birthplace on postpartum health and health services use. J Immigr Minor Health, 14:223–229.
  • Greig F (2003). Babies, bonds and boundaries: a study of maternity among Vietnamese-Australian women in Melbourne. (Masters thesis). Melbourne, University of Melbourne.
  • Grewal SK, Bhagat R, Balneaves LG (2008) Perinatal beliefs and practices of immigrant Punjabi women living in Canada. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 37:290-300.
  • Hoban E, Liamputtong P (2013) Cambodian migrant women's postpartum experiences in Victoria, Australia. Midwifery, 29:772–778.
  • Hynes M, Sheik M, Wilson HG, Spiegel P (2002) Reproductive health indicators and outcomes among refugee and internally displaced persons in postemergency phase camps. JAMA, 288:595–603.
  • Jamieson DJ, Meikle SF, Hillis SD, Mtsuko D, Mawji S, Duerr A (2000) An evaluation of poor pregnancy outcomes among Burundian refugees in Tanzania. JAMA, 283:397–402.
  • Jayatissa R, Bekele A, Piyasena CL, Mahamithawa S (2006) Assessment of nutritional status of children under five years of age, pregnant women, and lactating women living in relief camps after the tsunami in Sri Lanka. Food Nutr Bull, 27:144–52.
  • Jurcik T, Chentsova-Dutton YE, Solopieieva-Jurcikova I, Ryder AG (2013) Russians in treatment: the evidence base supporting cultural adaptations. J Clin Psychol, 69:774-791.
  • Kohen D (2001) Psychiatric services for women. Adv Psychiatr Treat, 7:328-334.
  • Lansakara N, Brown SJ, Gartland D (2010) Birth outcomes, postpartum health and primary care contacts of immigrant mothers in an Australian nulliparous pregnancy cohort study. Matern Child Health J, 14:807–816.
  • Lerda VG (2002) Which ‘‘Global Village’’? Societies, Cultures, and Political-Economic Systems in a Euro-Atlantic Perspective. Westport, Praeger.
  • Liamputtong P (2006) Motherhood and “moral career”: discourses ofgood motherhood among Southeast Asian ımmigrant women in Australia. Qual Soc, 29:220-231.
  • Liamputtong P, Naksook C (2003) Life as mothers on new land: the experience of motherhood among Thai women in Australia. Health Care Women Int, 4:650–668.
  • Lumley J, Austin MP, Mitchell C (2004) Intervening to reduce depression after birth: A systematic review of the randomized trials. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 20:128-144.
  • Lundberg PC, Gerezgiher A (2008) Experiences from pregnancy and childbirth related to female genital mutilation among Eritrean immigrant women in Sweden. Midwifery, 24:214-225.
  • McMurray A (2004) Culturally sensitive evidence-based practice. Collegian, 11:15–18.
  • Meighan M (2006). Mercer’s becoming a mother theory in nursing practice. In. Nursing Theory: Utilization & Application (Ed MR Alligood):393-410. St Louis, Mosby.
  • Meleis AI (2010) Transitions Theory: Middle Range and Situation Specific Theories in Nursing Research and Practices. New York, Springer Publishing Company.
  • Missal B, Clark C, Kovaleva M (2016) Somali ımmigrant new mothers’ childbirth experiences in Minnesota. J Transcultural Nurs, 27:359–367.
  • Mulder E, de Medina PG R, Huizink A, Van den Bergh B, Buitelaar J, Visser G (2002) Prenatal maternal stress: effects on pregnancy and the (unborn) child. Early Hum Dev, 70:3–14.
  • Murray L, Windsor C, Parker E, Tewfik O. (2010) The experiences of african women giving birth in Brisbane, Australia. Health Care Women Int, 31:458–472
  • Nelson AM. (2003) Transition to motherhood. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 32:465–477.
  • O’Mahony JM, Donnelly TT (2013) How does gender influence immigrant and refugee women’s postpartum depression help-seeking experiences? J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 20:714–725.
  • O’Mahony MJ, Donnelly TT, Bouchal SR, Este D (2013) Cultural background and socioeconomic ınfluence of ımmigrant and refugee women coping with postpartum depression. J Immigr Minor Health, 15:300–314.
  • Reed MM, Westfall JM, Bublitz C, Battaglia C, Fickenscher A (2005) Birth outcomes in Colorado's undocumented immigrant population. BMC Public Health, 9:2-17.
  • Reitmanova S, Gustafson DL (2008) ‘‘They can’t understand it’’: maternity health and care needs of immigrant Muslim women in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Matern Child Health J, 12:101–111.
  • Renzaho AMN, Oldroyd JC (2014) Closing the gap in maternal and child health: a qualitative study examining health needs of migrant mothers in Dandenong, Victoria, Australia. Matern Child Health J, 18:1391–1402.
  • Riggs E, Davis E, Gibbs L, Block K, Szwarc J, Casey S et al (2012) Accessing maternal and child health services in Melbourne, Australia: Reflections from refugee families and service providers. BMC Health Serv Res, 12:117.
  • Rumbold A, Bailie R, Si D, Dowden M, Kennedy C, Cox RJ et al. (2011) Delivery of maternal health care in Indigenous primary care services: baseline data for an ongoing quality improvement initiative. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 11:16.
  • Schutte JM, Steegers EA, Schuitemaker NW, Santema JG, de Boer K et al. (2010) Rise in maternal mortality in the Netherlands. BJOG, 117: 399–406.
  • Siddiqui A, Hagglof B (2000) Does maternal prenatal attachment predict postnatal mother-infant inter action? Early Hum Dev, 59:13–25.
  • Sigad LI, Eisikovits RA (2009) Migration, motherhood, marriage: cross-cultural adaptation of North merican immigrant mothers in Israel. Int Migr, 47:63-99.
  • Stewart DE, Gagnon A, Saucier JF, Wahoush O, Dougherty G (2008) Postpartum depression symptoms in newcomers. Can J Psychiatry, 53:121–124.
  • Suarez L, Hendricks KA, Cooper SP, Sweeney AM, Hardy RJ, Larsen RD (2000) Neural tube defects among Mexican Americans living on the US-Mexico border: effects of folic acid and dietary folate. Am J Epidemiol, 152:1017-1023.
  • Sword W, Watt S, Krueger P (2006) Postpartum health, service needs, and access to care experiences of immigrant and Canadian-born women. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 35:717-727.
  • Şahin NT, Bayram GO, Avcı D (2009) Kültürlere duyarlı yaklaşım: transkültürel hemşirelik. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 6:2-7.
  • Şimşek Z, Doğan F, Hilali NG, Özek B (2015a) Bir il merkezinde yaşayan 15-49 yaş evli Suriyeli kadınlarda üreme sağlığı göstergeleri ve hizmet ihtiyacı. Konya, 18. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı.
  • Şimşek Z, Yentür Doni N, Doğan F, Hilali NG, Yıldırımkaya G (2015b) Bir il merkezinde üreme çağındaki Suriyeli mülteci kadınlarda demir, B12 ve folat eksikliği. Konya, 18. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı.
  • Tanrıverdi G, Seviğ Ü, Bayat M, Birkök MC (2009) Hemşirelik bakımında kültürel özellikleri tanılama rehberi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6:793-806.
  • Taşçı ED, Seviğ Ü (2012) Prenatal ve postnatal dönemde kültürel yaklaşım. In Kültürlerarası Hemşirelik. (Ed. Ü Seviğ, G Tanrıverdi):325-352. İstanbul, İstanbul Tıp Kitapevi.
  • Tortumluoğlu G (2004) Transkültürel hemşirelik ve kültürel bakım modeli örnekleri. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 8:47-57.
  • UN (2013) Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: 2013 Report. 2013. Available from Accessed date: 15.09.2016.
  • UNICEF (2013) At a glance: Syrian Arab Republic. Available at: Accessed Aug 2013.
  • van Roosmalen J, Schuitemaker NW, Brand R, van Dongen PW, Bennebroek Gravenhorst J (2002) Substandard care in immigrant versus indigenous maternal deaths in the Netherlands. BJOG, 109: 212–213.
  • Vangen S, Stoltenberg C, Holan S, Moe N, Magnus P, Harris JR et al. (2003) Outcome of pregnancy among immigrant women with diabetes. Diabetes Care, 26:327-332.
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  • Ward C. (2003) Migrant mothers and the role of social support when child rearing. Contemp Nurs, 16:74-82.
  • WHO (2005) The World Health Report 2005: Make Every Mother and Child Count. Geneva, World Health Organization.
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Bir Göçmen Olarak Anneliğe Geçiş: Riskler ve Engeller

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 250 - 262, 30.09.2017


Pek çok yaşamsal değişikliği beraberinde getiren anneliğe geçiş süreci, göçmen anneler için engeller ve bu engellerin getirdiği risklerle dolu olabilmektedir. Fakirlik, göç edilen ülkenin dilini bilmemek, sağlık politikalarının göçmenlerin bakım giderlerini karşılar nitelikte olmaması, sosyal destek yetersiz-liği, kültürel uygulamaları gerçekleştirememe ve yalnızlık anne ve bebek sağlığını olumsuz yönde etkileyebilmektedir. Tüm bu engellerden dolayı doğum sonu göçmen annelerde depresyon, anksiyete, stres ve sosyal izolasyon görülmektedir. Bu nedenle, göçmen annelere bakım veren sağlık personeli göçmen annelerin dini, kültürel inanç ve tutumlarını açıklaştırmalıdır. Göçmen annelere özel bakım programlarının geliştirilmesi ve göçmen annelerin bir araya gelmeleri sağlanarak akran desteği sunulması önemlidir. Hastanelerde tercümanların sayısının yeterli düzeye getirilmesi ve annelerin kendi dillerinde yazılı eğitim materyallerinin hazırlanması sağlık hizmetlerinden yararlanma düzeyini artıracaktır. 


  • Ahmad F, Shik A, Vanza R, Cheung A, George U, Stewart DE (2004) Popular health promotion strategies among Chinese and East Indian immigrant women. Women Health, 40:21–40.
  • Ahmed A, Stewart DE, Teng L, Wahoush O, Gagnon AJ (2008) Experiences of immigrant new mothers with symptoms of depression. Arch Women Ment Health, 11:295–303.
  • Apak H (2014) Suriyeli göçmenlerin kente uyumları: Mardin örneği. Mukaddime, 5:53-71.
  • Aveyard P, Cheng KK, Manaseki S, Gardosi J (2002) The risk of preterm delivery in women from different ethnicgroups. BJOG, 109:894–899.
  • Bandyopadhyay M, Small R, Watson LF, Brown S (2010) Life with a new baby: How do immigrant and Australianborn women’s experiences compare? Aust N Z J Public Health, 34:412–421.
  • Benage M, Greenough PG, Vinck P, Omeira N, Pham P (2015) An assessment of antenatal care among Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Confl Health, 9:2-11.
  • Bender DE, Harbour C, Thorp J, Morris P (2001) Tell me what you mean by ‘‘si’’: perceptions of quality of prenatal care among immigrant Latina women. Qual Health Res, 11:780–94.
  • Beşer A (2012) Göç, Kültür ve Sağlık İlişkisi: Kültürlerarası Hemşirelik. (Ed. Ü Seviğ, G Tanrıverdi):57-71. İstanbul, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi.
  • Bhagat R, Johnson J, Grewal S, Pandher P, Quong E, Triolet K (2002) Mobilizing the community to address the prenatal health needs of Immigrant Punjabi women. Public Health Nurs, 19:209–214.
  • Black RE, Allen LH, Bhutta ZA, Caulfield LE, de Onis M, Ezzati M et al. (2008) Maternal and child undernutrition study group: maternal and child undernutrition: global and regional exposures and health consequences. Lancet, 371;243–260.
  • Bozkuş EG, Konak A (2011) Doğum sonu dönem ile ilgili geleneksel inanç ve uygulamalara dünyadan ve Türkiye’den örnekler. Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken, 3:143-155.
  • Bradby H, Humphris R, Newall D, Phillimore J (2015) Public Health Aspects of Migrant Health: A Review of the Evidence on Health Status for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the European Region. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe.
  • Büyüktiryaki M, Canpolat E, Dizdar EA, Okur N, Şimşek GK (2015) Neonatal outcomes of Syrian refugees delivered in a tertiary hospital in Ankara, Turkey. Confl Health, 9:38-49.
  • Campinha-Bacote J. (2002) The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services: a model of care. J Transcult Nurs, 13:181–184.
  • Carolan M (2010) Pregnancy health status of sub-Saharan refugee women who have resettled in developed countries: a review of the literature. Midwifery, 26:407–414.
  • David M, Pachaly J, Vetter K ( 2006) Perinatal outcome in Berlin (Germany) among immigrants from Turkey. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 274:271–278.
  • Davidson N, Skull S, Burgner D, Kelly P, Raman S, Silove D et al. (2004) An issue of access: delivering equitable health care for newly arrived refugee children in Australia. Paediatr Child Health (Oxford), 40:569–575.
  • DeSouza R. (2004) Motherhood, migration and methodology: Giving voice to the ‘other’. Qual Rep, 9:463–482.
  • Desouza R. (2005) Transforming possibilities of care: Goan migrant motherhood in New Zealand. Contemp Nurse, 20:87–101.
  • Don BP, Chong A, Biehle SN, Gordon A, Mickelson KD (2014) Anxiety across the transition to parenthood: change trajectories among low-risk parents. Anxiety Stress Coping, 27:633-649.
  • Fernandes A, Miguel J (2009). Health and Migration in the European Union: Better Health for All in an Inclusive Society. Lisboa, Instituto Nacional de Sau´de Doutor Ricardo Jorge.
  • Foss GF (2001) Maternal sensitivity, posttraumatic stress, and acculturation in Vietnamese and Hmong mothers. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, 26:257–263.
  • Foss GF, Chantal AW, Hendrickson S (2004) Maternal depression and anxiety and ınfant development: a comparison of foreign-born and native-born mothers. Public Health Nurs, 21:237-246.
  • Ganann R, Sword W, Black M, Carpio B (2012) Influence of maternal birthplace on postpartum health and health services use. J Immigr Minor Health, 14:223–229.
  • Greig F (2003). Babies, bonds and boundaries: a study of maternity among Vietnamese-Australian women in Melbourne. (Masters thesis). Melbourne, University of Melbourne.
  • Grewal SK, Bhagat R, Balneaves LG (2008) Perinatal beliefs and practices of immigrant Punjabi women living in Canada. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 37:290-300.
  • Hoban E, Liamputtong P (2013) Cambodian migrant women's postpartum experiences in Victoria, Australia. Midwifery, 29:772–778.
  • Hynes M, Sheik M, Wilson HG, Spiegel P (2002) Reproductive health indicators and outcomes among refugee and internally displaced persons in postemergency phase camps. JAMA, 288:595–603.
  • Jamieson DJ, Meikle SF, Hillis SD, Mtsuko D, Mawji S, Duerr A (2000) An evaluation of poor pregnancy outcomes among Burundian refugees in Tanzania. JAMA, 283:397–402.
  • Jayatissa R, Bekele A, Piyasena CL, Mahamithawa S (2006) Assessment of nutritional status of children under five years of age, pregnant women, and lactating women living in relief camps after the tsunami in Sri Lanka. Food Nutr Bull, 27:144–52.
  • Jurcik T, Chentsova-Dutton YE, Solopieieva-Jurcikova I, Ryder AG (2013) Russians in treatment: the evidence base supporting cultural adaptations. J Clin Psychol, 69:774-791.
  • Kohen D (2001) Psychiatric services for women. Adv Psychiatr Treat, 7:328-334.
  • Lansakara N, Brown SJ, Gartland D (2010) Birth outcomes, postpartum health and primary care contacts of immigrant mothers in an Australian nulliparous pregnancy cohort study. Matern Child Health J, 14:807–816.
  • Lerda VG (2002) Which ‘‘Global Village’’? Societies, Cultures, and Political-Economic Systems in a Euro-Atlantic Perspective. Westport, Praeger.
  • Liamputtong P (2006) Motherhood and “moral career”: discourses ofgood motherhood among Southeast Asian ımmigrant women in Australia. Qual Soc, 29:220-231.
  • Liamputtong P, Naksook C (2003) Life as mothers on new land: the experience of motherhood among Thai women in Australia. Health Care Women Int, 4:650–668.
  • Lumley J, Austin MP, Mitchell C (2004) Intervening to reduce depression after birth: A systematic review of the randomized trials. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 20:128-144.
  • Lundberg PC, Gerezgiher A (2008) Experiences from pregnancy and childbirth related to female genital mutilation among Eritrean immigrant women in Sweden. Midwifery, 24:214-225.
  • McMurray A (2004) Culturally sensitive evidence-based practice. Collegian, 11:15–18.
  • Meighan M (2006). Mercer’s becoming a mother theory in nursing practice. In. Nursing Theory: Utilization & Application (Ed MR Alligood):393-410. St Louis, Mosby.
  • Meleis AI (2010) Transitions Theory: Middle Range and Situation Specific Theories in Nursing Research and Practices. New York, Springer Publishing Company.
  • Missal B, Clark C, Kovaleva M (2016) Somali ımmigrant new mothers’ childbirth experiences in Minnesota. J Transcultural Nurs, 27:359–367.
  • Mulder E, de Medina PG R, Huizink A, Van den Bergh B, Buitelaar J, Visser G (2002) Prenatal maternal stress: effects on pregnancy and the (unborn) child. Early Hum Dev, 70:3–14.
  • Murray L, Windsor C, Parker E, Tewfik O. (2010) The experiences of african women giving birth in Brisbane, Australia. Health Care Women Int, 31:458–472
  • Nelson AM. (2003) Transition to motherhood. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 32:465–477.
  • O’Mahony JM, Donnelly TT (2013) How does gender influence immigrant and refugee women’s postpartum depression help-seeking experiences? J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 20:714–725.
  • O’Mahony MJ, Donnelly TT, Bouchal SR, Este D (2013) Cultural background and socioeconomic ınfluence of ımmigrant and refugee women coping with postpartum depression. J Immigr Minor Health, 15:300–314.
  • Reed MM, Westfall JM, Bublitz C, Battaglia C, Fickenscher A (2005) Birth outcomes in Colorado's undocumented immigrant population. BMC Public Health, 9:2-17.
  • Reitmanova S, Gustafson DL (2008) ‘‘They can’t understand it’’: maternity health and care needs of immigrant Muslim women in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Matern Child Health J, 12:101–111.
  • Renzaho AMN, Oldroyd JC (2014) Closing the gap in maternal and child health: a qualitative study examining health needs of migrant mothers in Dandenong, Victoria, Australia. Matern Child Health J, 18:1391–1402.
  • Riggs E, Davis E, Gibbs L, Block K, Szwarc J, Casey S et al (2012) Accessing maternal and child health services in Melbourne, Australia: Reflections from refugee families and service providers. BMC Health Serv Res, 12:117.
  • Rumbold A, Bailie R, Si D, Dowden M, Kennedy C, Cox RJ et al. (2011) Delivery of maternal health care in Indigenous primary care services: baseline data for an ongoing quality improvement initiative. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 11:16.
  • Schutte JM, Steegers EA, Schuitemaker NW, Santema JG, de Boer K et al. (2010) Rise in maternal mortality in the Netherlands. BJOG, 117: 399–406.
  • Siddiqui A, Hagglof B (2000) Does maternal prenatal attachment predict postnatal mother-infant inter action? Early Hum Dev, 59:13–25.
  • Sigad LI, Eisikovits RA (2009) Migration, motherhood, marriage: cross-cultural adaptation of North merican immigrant mothers in Israel. Int Migr, 47:63-99.
  • Stewart DE, Gagnon A, Saucier JF, Wahoush O, Dougherty G (2008) Postpartum depression symptoms in newcomers. Can J Psychiatry, 53:121–124.
  • Suarez L, Hendricks KA, Cooper SP, Sweeney AM, Hardy RJ, Larsen RD (2000) Neural tube defects among Mexican Americans living on the US-Mexico border: effects of folic acid and dietary folate. Am J Epidemiol, 152:1017-1023.
  • Sword W, Watt S, Krueger P (2006) Postpartum health, service needs, and access to care experiences of immigrant and Canadian-born women. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 35:717-727.
  • Şahin NT, Bayram GO, Avcı D (2009) Kültürlere duyarlı yaklaşım: transkültürel hemşirelik. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 6:2-7.
  • Şimşek Z, Doğan F, Hilali NG, Özek B (2015a) Bir il merkezinde yaşayan 15-49 yaş evli Suriyeli kadınlarda üreme sağlığı göstergeleri ve hizmet ihtiyacı. Konya, 18. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı.
  • Şimşek Z, Yentür Doni N, Doğan F, Hilali NG, Yıldırımkaya G (2015b) Bir il merkezinde üreme çağındaki Suriyeli mülteci kadınlarda demir, B12 ve folat eksikliği. Konya, 18. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı.
  • Tanrıverdi G, Seviğ Ü, Bayat M, Birkök MC (2009) Hemşirelik bakımında kültürel özellikleri tanılama rehberi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6:793-806.
  • Taşçı ED, Seviğ Ü (2012) Prenatal ve postnatal dönemde kültürel yaklaşım. In Kültürlerarası Hemşirelik. (Ed. Ü Seviğ, G Tanrıverdi):325-352. İstanbul, İstanbul Tıp Kitapevi.
  • Tortumluoğlu G (2004) Transkültürel hemşirelik ve kültürel bakım modeli örnekleri. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 8:47-57.
  • UN (2013) Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: 2013 Report. 2013. Available from Accessed date: 15.09.2016.
  • UNICEF (2013) At a glance: Syrian Arab Republic. Available at: Accessed Aug 2013.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
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Rüveyde Aydın Bu kişi benim

Öznür Körükcü

Kamile Kabukcuoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2017
Kabul Tarihi 22 Ekim 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Aydın R, Körükcü Ö, Kabukcuoğlu K. Bir Göçmen Olarak Anneliğe Geçiş: Riskler ve Engeller. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2017;9(3):250-262. doi:10.18863/pgy.285927

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