Year 2015,
Issue: 4, 226 - 228, 01.12.2015
Mahmut Özkırış
İbrahim Akın
Reha Aydın
Zeliha Kapusuz Gencer
Levent Saydam
Congenital anomalies are common conditions in the auricular region. Major abnormalities give rise to serious structural and functional disorders, meanwhile minor anomalies lead mostly to cosmetic concerns. Preauricular sinuses are seen in the anterosuperior part of the auricle and usually on the unilateral side. They occur due to the incomplete closure of the dorsal part of the first branchial cleft. It presents as a small opening hole in the skin anterior to the insertion of the helix. Preauricular sinus is usually asymptomatic, however, it may sometimes accompany with recurrent wound infections. In this study we presented a bilateral preauricular sinus in a 26 year old woman having wound infection on the preauricular region recurring for 10 years and the topic was discussed in light of literature
- Walner DL, Myer CM.Salivary gland disease. In: Cumings CW, Fredrickson JM, Harker LA, Krause CJ, Richardson MA, Schuller DE, eds. Pediatric otolaryngology head and neck surgery. 3rd ed, Mosby 1998;5:116-32.
- Baarsma EA. Surgical treatment of the infected preauricular sinus. Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1979;222:97-102.
- Aronsohn RS, Batsakis JG, Rice DH, Work WP. Anomalies of the first branchial cleft. Arch Otolaryngol 1976;102:737-40.
- Ellies M, Laskawi R, Arglebe C, Altrogge C. Clinical evaluation and surgical management of congenital preauricular fistulas. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1998;56:827-31.
- Currie AR, King WW, Vlantis AC, Li AK. Pitfalls in the management of preauricular sinuses. Br J Surg 1996;83:1722-24.
- Prasad S, Grundfast K, Milmoe G. Management of congenital preauricular pit and sinus tract in children. Laryngoscope 1990;100:320-21.
- Nofsinger YC, Tom LW, LaRossa D, Wetmore RF, Handler SD. Periauricular cysts and sinuses. Laryngoscope 1997;107:883-87.
- Scheinfeld NS, Silverberg NB, Weinberg JM, Nozad V. The preauricular sinus: a review of its clinical resentation, treatment, and associations. Pediatr Dermatol 2004;21:191-96.
- Akbay E, Öztürk K, Keleş B.Konjenital Preauriküler Fistül Cerrahisinde Kılavuz Prob Ve Metilen Mavisi Kullanımı. KBB-Forum 2007;6:1-5.
Konjenital Bilateral Preauriküler Sinüs: Olgu Sunumu
Year 2015,
Issue: 4, 226 - 228, 01.12.2015
Mahmut Özkırış
İbrahim Akın
Reha Aydın
Zeliha Kapusuz Gencer
Levent Saydam
Doğumsal anomaliler aurikula bölgesinde sık görülen bir durumdur. Majör anomaliler fonksiyonel ve yapısal ciddi bozukluklara yol açarken minör anomaliler daha çok kozmetik kaygılara yol açar. Preauriküler sinüs, kulak katlantısının üst, ön kısmında ve genellikle tek tarafta görülür. Birinci faringeal yarığın dorsal kısmının tam olmayan kapanması sonucu oluşur. Dıştan bakıldığında preaurikuler bölgede deriden başlangıcını alan ve iç kısımlara uzanan bir traktüs içeren küçük bir delik şeklinde görülür. Genellikle bulgu vermeyip, nadiren tekrarlayan yara enfeksiyonları ile bir arada olabilmektedir. Her iki kulak önünde 10 yıldır aralıklarla yara enfeksiyonu bulunan 26 yaşındaki bayan hastada preaurikuler sinus saptandı ve literatür eşliğinde konu tartışıldı
- Walner DL, Myer CM.Salivary gland disease. In: Cumings CW, Fredrickson JM, Harker LA, Krause CJ, Richardson MA, Schuller DE, eds. Pediatric otolaryngology head and neck surgery. 3rd ed, Mosby 1998;5:116-32.
- Baarsma EA. Surgical treatment of the infected preauricular sinus. Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1979;222:97-102.
- Aronsohn RS, Batsakis JG, Rice DH, Work WP. Anomalies of the first branchial cleft. Arch Otolaryngol 1976;102:737-40.
- Ellies M, Laskawi R, Arglebe C, Altrogge C. Clinical evaluation and surgical management of congenital preauricular fistulas. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1998;56:827-31.
- Currie AR, King WW, Vlantis AC, Li AK. Pitfalls in the management of preauricular sinuses. Br J Surg 1996;83:1722-24.
- Prasad S, Grundfast K, Milmoe G. Management of congenital preauricular pit and sinus tract in children. Laryngoscope 1990;100:320-21.
- Nofsinger YC, Tom LW, LaRossa D, Wetmore RF, Handler SD. Periauricular cysts and sinuses. Laryngoscope 1997;107:883-87.
- Scheinfeld NS, Silverberg NB, Weinberg JM, Nozad V. The preauricular sinus: a review of its clinical resentation, treatment, and associations. Pediatr Dermatol 2004;21:191-96.
- Akbay E, Öztürk K, Keleş B.Konjenital Preauriküler Fistül Cerrahisinde Kılavuz Prob Ve Metilen Mavisi Kullanımı. KBB-Forum 2007;6:1-5.