Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 4



  • Slomian J, Honvo G, Emonts P, et al. Consequences of maternal postpartum depression: A systematic review of maternal and infant outcomes. Women's Health. 2019;15:174550651984404. DOI:10.1177/1745506519844044
  • 2 Shorey S, Chee CYI, Ng ED, et al. Prevalence and incidence of postpartum depression among healthy mothers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Psychiatr Res. 2018;104:235-48. DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.08.001
  • 3 Acog. Postpartum depression. Accessed on: 26.08.
  • 4 Oyetunji A and Chandra P. Postpartum stress and infant outcome: A review of current literature. Psychiatry Research. 2020;284:112769. DOI:
  • 5 Ay F, Tektaş E, Mak A, et al. Postpartum depression and the factors affecting it: 2000-2017 study results. J Psy Nurs. 2018;9:147-52. DOI:10.14744/phd.2018.31549
  • 6 Hutchens BF and Kearney J. Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression: An Umbrella Review. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health. 2020;65:96-108. DOI:10.1111/jmwh.13067
  • 7 Maia BR, Pereira AT, Marques M, et al. The role of perfectionism in postpartum depression and symptomatology. Archives of women's mental health. 2012;15:459-68. DOI:10.1007/s00737-012-0310-2
  • 8 Gelabert E, Subirà S, García-Esteve L, et al. Perfectionism dimensions in major postpartum depression. J Affect Disord. 2012;136:17-25. DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2011.08.030
  • 9 Lee MA, Schoppe-Sullivan SJ and Kamp Dush CM. Parenting perfectionism and parental adjustment. Personality and Individual Differences. 2012;52:454-7. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2011.10.047
  • 10 Jarvis KB. Competition or camaraderie?: An investigation of social media and modern motherhood. 2017.
  • 11 Schoppe-Sullivan SJ, Yavorsky JE, Bartholomew MK, et al. Doing Gender Online: New Mothers’ Psychological Characteristics, Facebook Use, and Depressive Symptoms. Sex Roles. 2017;76:276-89. DOI:10.1007/s11199-016-0640-z
  • 12 Archer C and Kao K-T. Mother, baby and Facebook makes three: does social media provide social support for new mothers? Media International Australia. 2018;168:122-39. DOI:10.1177/1329878x18783016
  • 13 Baker B and Yang I. Social media as social support in pregnancy and the postpartum. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. 2018;17:31-4. DOI:
  • 14 Bartholomew MK, Schoppe-Sullivan SJ, Glassman M, et al. New Parents' Facebook Use at the Transition to Parenthood. Fam Relat. 2012;61:455-69. DOI:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2012.00708.x
  • 15 Djafarova E and Trofimenko O. Exploring the relationships between self-presentation and self-esteem of mothers in social media in Russia. Computers in Human Behavior. 2017;73:20-7. DOI:
  • 16 Yıldız D, Sarıcı SÜ, Fidancı BE, et al. Bebeği 0-1 Yaş Döneminde Olan Annelerin Bebek Bakımına İlişkin İnternet Kullanımlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2020;2:167-74. 17 Padoa T, Berle D and Roberts L. Comparative social media use and the mental health of mothers with high levels of perfectionism. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2018;37:514-35.
  • 18 Kirkpatrick CE and Lee S. Comparisons to picture-perfect motherhood: How Instagram's idealized portrayals of motherhood affect new mothers' well-being. Computers in Human Behavior. 2022;137:107417. DOI:
  • 19 Coyne SM, Mcdaniel BT and Stockdale LA. “Do you dare to compare?” Associations between maternal social comparisons on social networking sites and parenting, mental health, and romantic relationship outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior. 2017;70:335-40. DOI:
  • 20 Cox JL, Holden JM and Sagovsky R. Detection of postnatal depression. Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. 1987;150:782-6.
  • 21 Engindeniz A, Kuey L and Kultur S. Validity and reliability of Turkish version of Edinburgh postnatal depression scale. Book of Annual Meeting of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. Turkish Psychiatric Association Press, Ankara; 1996. p. 51-2.
  • 22 Snell Jr WE, Overbey GA and Brewer AL. Parenting perfectionism and the parenting role. Personality and Individual Differences. 2005;39:613-24. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2005.02.006
  • 23 Taluy N and Maraş A. Çok Boyutlu Ebeveynlik Mükemmeliyetçiliği Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Nesne Dergisi. 2021;9:319-33.
  • 24 Jenkins-Guarnieri MA, Wright SL and Johnson B. Development and validation of a social media use integration scale. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 2013;2:38-50. DOI:10.1037/a0030277
  • 25 Akın A, Özbay A and Baykut İ. Sosyal Medya Kullanımı Ölçeği'nin Türkçe formu'nun geçerliği ve güvenirliği Journal of International Social Research. 2015;8.
  • 26 Liu X, Wang S and Wang G. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Postpartum Depression in Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of clinical nursing. 2022;31:2665-77. DOI:10.1111/jocn.16121
  • 27 Karaçam Z, Çoban A, Akbaş B, et al. Status of postpartum depression in Turkey: A meta-analysis. Health Care Women Int. 2018;39:821-41. DOI:10.1080/07399332.2018.1466144
  • 28 Smorti M, Ponti L and Pancetti F. A Comprehensive Analysis of Post-partum Depression Risk Factors: The Role of Socio-Demographic, Individual, Relational, and Delivery Characteristics. Frontiers in Public Health. 2019;7. DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2019.00295
  • 29 Lea K, Richardson T and Rauze N. The Relationship between Mood Symptom Severity and Perfectionism Subtypes in Mood Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Brain Sciences. 2023;13:377. DOI:10.3390/brainsci13030377
  • 30 Oddo-Sommerfeld S, Hain S, Louwen F, et al. Longitudinal effects of dysfunctional perfectionism and avoidant personality style on postpartum mental disorders: Pathways through antepartum depression and anxiety. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2016;191:280-8. DOI:

Relationship between Postpartum Depression, Parental Perfectionism, and Social Media Use in First-Time Mothers: A Descriptive Study

Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 4


Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between PPD, parental perfectionism, and social media use in first-time mothers and to determine the factors affecting PPD.
Methods: In this descriptive and correlational study, 229 mothers in the first year postpartum were examined between January and June 2023 in the pediatric outpatient clinic of a Medical Faculty Hospital in the Central Anatolia Region. Participant data were collected using the participant information form, Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale, Multidimensional Parenting Perfectionism Questionnaire, and Social Media Use Scale.
Results: Notably, 28.4% participants were categorized in the risk group for depression, and 45% used their cell phones for ≥4 hours per day. Social media was predominantly used to obtain information (75.5%), and Instagram (88.2%) was the most commonly used social media platform. The identified risk factors for PPD included mothers’ age (OR = 0.835; p < 0.001); Multidimensional Parenting Perfectionism Scale total score (OR = 0.851; p < 0.001), including sub-dimension scores of personal parenting standards (OR = 1.212; p = 0.053), doubts about parenting activity (OR = 1.341; p < 0.001), and partner’s parenting expectations and criticisms (OR = 1.219; p < 0.001); and social integration and emotional connection sub-dimension scores of the social media use scale (OR = 0.928; p = 0.010).
Conclusion: Maternal age, parental perfectionism, and social media use were important risk factors for PPD. Assessment of perfectionism and social media use may be useful in identifying women at risk of PPD in the postpartum period.


  • Slomian J, Honvo G, Emonts P, et al. Consequences of maternal postpartum depression: A systematic review of maternal and infant outcomes. Women's Health. 2019;15:174550651984404. DOI:10.1177/1745506519844044
  • 2 Shorey S, Chee CYI, Ng ED, et al. Prevalence and incidence of postpartum depression among healthy mothers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Psychiatr Res. 2018;104:235-48. DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.08.001
  • 3 Acog. Postpartum depression. Accessed on: 26.08.
  • 4 Oyetunji A and Chandra P. Postpartum stress and infant outcome: A review of current literature. Psychiatry Research. 2020;284:112769. DOI:
  • 5 Ay F, Tektaş E, Mak A, et al. Postpartum depression and the factors affecting it: 2000-2017 study results. J Psy Nurs. 2018;9:147-52. DOI:10.14744/phd.2018.31549
  • 6 Hutchens BF and Kearney J. Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression: An Umbrella Review. Journal of Midwifery &amp; Women's Health. 2020;65:96-108. DOI:10.1111/jmwh.13067
  • 7 Maia BR, Pereira AT, Marques M, et al. The role of perfectionism in postpartum depression and symptomatology. Archives of women's mental health. 2012;15:459-68. DOI:10.1007/s00737-012-0310-2
  • 8 Gelabert E, Subirà S, García-Esteve L, et al. Perfectionism dimensions in major postpartum depression. J Affect Disord. 2012;136:17-25. DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2011.08.030
  • 9 Lee MA, Schoppe-Sullivan SJ and Kamp Dush CM. Parenting perfectionism and parental adjustment. Personality and Individual Differences. 2012;52:454-7. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2011.10.047
  • 10 Jarvis KB. Competition or camaraderie?: An investigation of social media and modern motherhood. 2017.
  • 11 Schoppe-Sullivan SJ, Yavorsky JE, Bartholomew MK, et al. Doing Gender Online: New Mothers’ Psychological Characteristics, Facebook Use, and Depressive Symptoms. Sex Roles. 2017;76:276-89. DOI:10.1007/s11199-016-0640-z
  • 12 Archer C and Kao K-T. Mother, baby and Facebook makes three: does social media provide social support for new mothers? Media International Australia. 2018;168:122-39. DOI:10.1177/1329878x18783016
  • 13 Baker B and Yang I. Social media as social support in pregnancy and the postpartum. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. 2018;17:31-4. DOI:
  • 14 Bartholomew MK, Schoppe-Sullivan SJ, Glassman M, et al. New Parents' Facebook Use at the Transition to Parenthood. Fam Relat. 2012;61:455-69. DOI:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2012.00708.x
  • 15 Djafarova E and Trofimenko O. Exploring the relationships between self-presentation and self-esteem of mothers in social media in Russia. Computers in Human Behavior. 2017;73:20-7. DOI:
  • 16 Yıldız D, Sarıcı SÜ, Fidancı BE, et al. Bebeği 0-1 Yaş Döneminde Olan Annelerin Bebek Bakımına İlişkin İnternet Kullanımlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2020;2:167-74. 17 Padoa T, Berle D and Roberts L. Comparative social media use and the mental health of mothers with high levels of perfectionism. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2018;37:514-35.
  • 18 Kirkpatrick CE and Lee S. Comparisons to picture-perfect motherhood: How Instagram's idealized portrayals of motherhood affect new mothers' well-being. Computers in Human Behavior. 2022;137:107417. DOI:
  • 19 Coyne SM, Mcdaniel BT and Stockdale LA. “Do you dare to compare?” Associations between maternal social comparisons on social networking sites and parenting, mental health, and romantic relationship outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior. 2017;70:335-40. DOI:
  • 20 Cox JL, Holden JM and Sagovsky R. Detection of postnatal depression. Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. 1987;150:782-6.
  • 21 Engindeniz A, Kuey L and Kultur S. Validity and reliability of Turkish version of Edinburgh postnatal depression scale. Book of Annual Meeting of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. Turkish Psychiatric Association Press, Ankara; 1996. p. 51-2.
  • 22 Snell Jr WE, Overbey GA and Brewer AL. Parenting perfectionism and the parenting role. Personality and Individual Differences. 2005;39:613-24. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2005.02.006
  • 23 Taluy N and Maraş A. Çok Boyutlu Ebeveynlik Mükemmeliyetçiliği Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Nesne Dergisi. 2021;9:319-33.
  • 24 Jenkins-Guarnieri MA, Wright SL and Johnson B. Development and validation of a social media use integration scale. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 2013;2:38-50. DOI:10.1037/a0030277
  • 25 Akın A, Özbay A and Baykut İ. Sosyal Medya Kullanımı Ölçeği'nin Türkçe formu'nun geçerliği ve güvenirliği Journal of International Social Research. 2015;8.
  • 26 Liu X, Wang S and Wang G. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Postpartum Depression in Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of clinical nursing. 2022;31:2665-77. DOI:10.1111/jocn.16121
  • 27 Karaçam Z, Çoban A, Akbaş B, et al. Status of postpartum depression in Turkey: A meta-analysis. Health Care Women Int. 2018;39:821-41. DOI:10.1080/07399332.2018.1466144
  • 28 Smorti M, Ponti L and Pancetti F. A Comprehensive Analysis of Post-partum Depression Risk Factors: The Role of Socio-Demographic, Individual, Relational, and Delivery Characteristics. Frontiers in Public Health. 2019;7. DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2019.00295
  • 29 Lea K, Richardson T and Rauze N. The Relationship between Mood Symptom Severity and Perfectionism Subtypes in Mood Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Brain Sciences. 2023;13:377. DOI:10.3390/brainsci13030377
  • 30 Oddo-Sommerfeld S, Hain S, Louwen F, et al. Longitudinal effects of dysfunctional perfectionism and avoidant personality style on postpartum mental disorders: Pathways through antepartum depression and anxiety. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2016;191:280-8. DOI:
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Public Health (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Sibel Kıyak 0000-0002-7278-2094

Serap Batı 0000-0003-3176-6837

Early Pub Date September 17, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date August 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024Volume: 15 Issue: 4


EndNote Kıyak S, Batı S (September 1, 2024) Relationship between Postpartum Depression, Parental Perfectionism, and Social Media Use in First-Time Mothers: A Descriptive Study. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 15 4