Referee Guide

If you do not know how to fill in the referee form on Dergipark, you can watch the video at

This document has been prepared by the  Center for Communal Research (Turkish abbreviation is TAM) in order to set the standards for the articles published in the Journal of TAM Academy and to provide guidance to the referees in making decisions about publication.

  1. Journal of TAM Academy believes that the high standards adopted by the referees will benefit the authors, the journal and the field of social sciences. Reviewers can help maintain these high standards as well as help authors produce better articles in the future.

  2. Journal of TAM Academy has adopted the principle of "Double-Sided Blind Refereeing". In this way, the control process is carried out without the authors and referees knowing each other's identities. At the first stage, authors are asked not to include their identity information in their articles. However, the editors are obliged to take all precautions to protect this anonymity.

  3. For the articles sent to Journal of TAM Academy, two expert referees are appointed by the field editor at the first stage. In order for the article to be published, it is expected to receive approval from both referees. If one of the decisions is rejected and the other is accepted, another referee will be appointed by the field editor and the final referee's decision will be decisive for the publication decision.
  4. Editors and referees in Journal of TAM Academy carry out the whole process through Dergipark.

  5. Field editors consider potential conflicts of interest when appointing referees.

Referee Process
  1. Journal of TAM Academy accepts many kinds of articles that will contribute to the field of social sciences such as "Research Paper, Theoretical Article, Review, Translation, Book Review and Conference Paper" in accordance with its publication principles. Articles submitted for consideration to the journal are expected to be original, present a new research method on a topic, stimulate interest in current issues, summarize well-known or lesser-known results for the benefit of future research, and include new results.  
  2. Journal of TAM Academy Editorial Board, referees are asked to consider the following questions in order to decide whether the article can be published in TAMDE:
    • Can the article be evaluated within the scope of a subject in social sciences?
    • Are the titles of the article in Turkish and foreign languages ​​compatible with the content?
    • Is the abstract sufficient to introduce the article?
    • Are Turkish and English keywords related to the subject of the article?
    • Is what was done in the article, how it was done (type of research, data collection and evaluation process), findings/findings (empirical studies) and conclusion/results in the 'Abstract' section?
    • Does the article contain 'Introduction', 'Method', 'Results' and 'Conclusion' sections?
    • Is the purpose and scope of the article adequately explained?
    • If there are abbreviations in the article, are they defined in the 'introduction' or 'summary' section?
    • Is the subject of the study presented sufficiently and with a systematic approach?
    • Have original and primary sources been accessed?
    • Are up-to-date studies and resources available?
    • Does the article contribute to the field?
    • Are the concepts and terms related to the field used appropriately and correctly?
    • Is a clear and simple style suitable for grammatical rules used?
    • Are there any unnecessary information and comments that are incompatible with the content of the article?
    • Are the scope and limitations of the research stated?
    • Is the correct method used in the article to achieve the purpose?
    • Are the research question(s) and/or hypotheses explained with reasons?
    • Are citations not included in the text of the article included in the 'References' section?

  1. Referees must answer YesPartially and No to all of these questions. However, for the article to be published, it is not necessary to approve all of the referees. However, in the evaluation form, the suggestions regarding the questions to which Partially and No answers were given and the suggestions to the author other than these questions should be stated in the "Note to the Author" section.
  2. Referees can take the following decisions with this form:
    • Suitable for publication (The article is accepted for publication)
    • It can be published after the corrections are made (The article is published by the decision of the editor without being sent back to the referee after the author makes the corrections.)
    • I want to see it again after the corrections (After the author makes the corrections, the article is sent to the same referee for evaluation)
    • Not eligible for publication (The article is rejected.)
  1. Authors do not have to accept the suggestions of the referees. However, they must upload a text explaining why they did not accept it, with its reasons, to the system to be sent to the referee and the field editor. In such a case, the field editor will consider Article 3.
  2. A maximum of 3 months is foreseen for the Referee Evaluation Process.

  3. The authors are expected to make the arrangements they will make in line with the referee's suggestions within 15 days. However, this period may take up to 1 month depending on the intensity of the proposed corrections.

  4. Authors should state all edits they have made in a separate Word file or document. However, the author should pay attention to anonymity, especially when adding notes in PDF and Microsoft Office Word files.
  5. Referees can communicate with the editors by sending a message through Dergipark. The authors cannot see the messages between the referee and the editor.

Last Update Time: 3/6/23, 2:39:43 AM


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