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İlköğretim Çağındaki Çocukların Okul Çantası Ağırlıkları Sırt Ağrısını Etkiler mi?

Year 2021, , 72 - 78, 16.12.2020


Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı çocukların kullandıkları okul çantası özelliklerinin sırt ağrılarına etkisi olup olmadığını incelemekti.
Çalışma Planı: Tanımlayıcı kesitsel bir çalışma.
Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 82 gönüllü öğrenci dahil edildi. Çalışmaya katılan çocukların kullandıkları okul çantasının özellikleri, algılanan çanta ağırlıkları, çanta taşıma şekilleri, ağrı ve yorgunluk düzeyleri gibi değişkenler araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan form yardımıyla sorgulandı. SPSS 22.0 programı verilerin analizinde kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 9.82±0.65 yıl olan 39’u kız (%47.6) 43’ü erkek (%52.4 ) olmak üzere 82 gönüllü öğrenci dahil edildi. Çocukların okula gelirken kullandıkları çanta tipinin sırt çantası olduğu belirlendi. Sırt çantası kullanan öğrencilerin %29.26’sı (n=23) çantalarını tek omuz askısı, %70.74’ü (n=59) ise iki omuz askısı ile taşımaktaydı. Çanta taşıma şekline göre sırt ağrıları karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu (p<0.05). Cinsiyete göre sırt ağrısının düzeyi incelendiğinde ise iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı (p>0.05).
Sonuç: Avrupa’da okul çantası ağırlığının çocuğun vücut ağırlığının %10’unu geçmemesi önerilirken çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre bu oran yaklaşık %13 olarak bulunmuş ve önerilen sınırı geçmiştir. Çalışmamızın sonuçları çocukların algıladıkları çanta ağırlığının sırt ağrısı ve yorgunlukla ilişkili olduğu yönündedir.


  • 1. Spiteri K, Busuttil M, Aquilina S, Gauci D, Camilleri E, & Grech V. Schoolbags and back pain in children between 8 and 13 years: a national study. British journal of pain 2017; 11:81-86.
  • 2. Oka GA, Ranade AS, & Kulkarni AA. Back pain and school bag weight-a study on Indian children and review of literature. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B.2019
  • 3. Azabagic S, Spahic R, Pranjic N, & Mulic M. Epidemiology of musculoskeletal disorders in primary school children in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Materia socio-medica 2016; 28:164.
  • 4. Alghamdi RS, Nafee HM, El-Sayed A, & Alsaadi SM. A study of school bag weight and back pain among intermediate female students in Dammam City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018; 8:3.
  • 5. Negrini S, & Carabalona R. Backpacks on! Schoolchildren’s perceptions of load, associations with back pain and factors determining the load. Spine 2002;27: 187-195.
  • 6. Dockrell S, Simms C, & Blake C. Schoolbag weight limit: can it be defined?. Journal of school health 2013;83:368-377.
  • 7. Akbar F, AlBesharah M, Al-Baghli J, Bulbul F, Mohammad D, Qadoura B, & Al-Taiar A. Prevalence of low Back pain among adolescents in relation to the weight of school bags. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2019;20:37.
  • 8. Mattacola CG, Perrin DH, Gansneder BM, Allen JD, & Mickey CA. A comparison of visual analog and graphic rating scales for assessing pain following delayed onset muscle soreness. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 1997;6: 38-46.
  • 9. Dockrell S, Simms C, & Blake C. Schoolbag carriage and schoolbag-related musculoskeletal discomfort among primary school children. Applied ergonomics 2015;51, 281-290.
  • 10. Dockrell S, Jacobs K, Byrne J, Gleeson E, Kelly S, Moore C, ... & Simms C. Parental awareness of schoolbag carriage: A comparative study of Irish and United States parents. Work 2017;58:85-93.
  • 11. Moore MJ, White GL, & Moore DL. Association of relative backpack weight with reported pain, pain sites, medical utilization, and lost school time in children and adolescents. Journal of School Health 2007;77:232-239.
  • 12. Kellis E, & Emmanouilidou M. The effects of age and gender on the weight and use of schoolbags. Pediatric Physical Therapy 2010;22:17-25.
  • 13. Cavallo CM, Hlavaty TM, & Tamase MGM. A pilot study for the development of a primary prevention program: what is the average weight of a fourth grader's backpack?. Work 2003;20:137-158.
  • 14. Al-Salee SA, Ali A, Ali SI, Alshamrani AA, Almulhem AM, & Al-Hashem MH. A study of school bag weight and back pain among primary school children in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale, Calif.) 2016;6:1.
  • 15. Adeyemi AJ, Rohani JM, & Rani MA. Back pain arising from schoolbag usage among primary schoolchildren. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2014; 44:590-600.
  • 16. Goodgold S, Corcoran M, Gamache D, Gillis J, Guerin J, & Coyle JQ. Backpack use in children. Pediatric physical therapy: the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association 2002;14:122-131.
  • 17. Papadopoulou D, Malliou P, Kofotolis N, Emmanouilidou M I, & Kellis E. The association between grade, gender, physical activity, and back pain among children carrying schoolbags. Archives of Exercise in Health & Disease 2014;4:1.
  • 18. Siambanes D, Martinez JW, Butler EW, & Haider T. Influence of school backpacks on adolescent back pain. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2004;24: 211-217.
  • 19. Balague F, Dutoit G, & Waldburger M. Low back pain in schoolchildren. An epidemiological study. Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine 1988;20: 175-179.
  • 20. Burton KA., Clarke RD., McClune TD, & Tillotson MK. The natural history of low back pain in adolescents. Spine 1996;21: 2323-2328.
  • 21. Merati G, Negrini S, Sarchi P, Mauro F, & Veicsteinas A. Cardio-respiratory adjustments and cost of locomotion in schoolchildren during backpack walking (the Italian Backpack Study). European journal of applied physiology 2001;85: 41-48.
  • 22. Viry P, Creveuil C, & Marcelli C. Nonspecific back pain in children. A search for associated factors in 14-year-old schoolchildren. Revue du rhumatisme (English ed.), 1999:66(7-9), 381-388.
  • 23. Watson KD, Papageorgiou AC, Jones GT, Taylor S, Symmons DPM, Silman A J, & MacFarlane GJ. Low back pain in schoolchildren: the role of mechanical and psychosocial factors. Archives of disease in childhood 2003;88:12-17.
  • 24. Korovessis P, Koureas G, Zacharatos S, & Papazisis Z. Backpacks, back pain, sagittal spinal curves and trunk alignment in adolescents: a logistic and multinomial logistic analysis. Spine 2005;30: 247-255.
  • 25. Mackie HW, & Legg SJ. Postural and subjective responses to realistic schoolbag carriage. Ergonomics 2008;51: 217-231.
  • 26. El‑Nagar SA, & Mady MM. School bag usage, postural and behavioral habits and its effect on back pain occurrence among school children. Am J Nurs Sci 2017;6:218-31.
  • 27. Kim MH, Yi CH, Kwon OY, Cho SH, & Yoo WG. Changes in neck muscle electromyography and forward head posture of children when carrying schoolbags. Ergonomics 2008;51:890-901.
  • 28. Chow DHK, Ou ZY, Wang XG, & Lai A. Short-term effects of backpack load placement on spine deformation and repositioning error in schoolchildren. Ergonomics 2010:53;56-64.
  • 29. Farhood HF. Low back pain in schoolchildren: the role of school bag weight and carrying way. J Nat Sci Res 2013;3:156-64.
  • 30. Talbott NR, Bhattacharya A, Davis KG, Shukla R, & Levin L. School backpacks: it's more than just a weight problem. Work 2009;34:481-494.
  • 31. Dianat I, Javadivala Z, Asghari-Jafarabadi M, Asl Hashemi A, & Haslegrave CM. The use of schoolbags and musculoskeletal symptoms among primary school children: are the recommended weight limits adequate?. Ergonomics 2013;56:79-89.
  • 32. Delele M, Janakiraman B, Abebe AB, Tafese A, & van de Water AT. Musculoskeletal pain and associated factors among Ethiopian elementary school children. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2018;19:276.
  • 33. Mandic S, Keller R, García Bengoechea E, Moore A, & Coppell K. (2018). School bag weight as a barrier to active transport to school among New Zealand adolescents. Children 2018;5;129.
  • 34. Navuluri N, & Navuluri RB. Study on the relationship between backpack use and back and neck pain among adolescents. Nursing & health sciences 2006:8;208-215.
  • 35. Hadžiomerović AM, Jaganjac A, Avdic D, Pašalić A, Kaljić E, Domljan D, & Omerović E. School bags and associated back pain. Journal of Health Sciences 2018: 8:10-19. 36. Haselgrove C, Straker L, Smith A, O'sullivan P, Perry M, & Sloan N. Perceived school bag load, duration of carriage, and method of transport to school are associated with spinal pain in adolescents: an observational study. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 2008;54:193-200.
  • 37. Hong Y, Li JX, & Fong DTP. Effect of prolonged walking with backpack loads on trunk muscle activity and fatigue in children. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 2008;18:990-996.

Do School Bag Weights of Primary School Children Affect Back Pain?

Year 2021, , 72 - 78, 16.12.2020


Purpose:The aim of our study was to investigate whether the school bag properties used by children had an effect on their back pain.
Patients and Methods:Eighty-two volunteer students were included in the study. The characteristics of the school bag used by the children who were participating in the study, the data of the variables such as perceived bag weights, bag carrying patterns and pain and fatigue levels were questioned with the form prepared by the researchers. SPSS 22.0 analysis program was used to analyze the data.
Results:The average age of the participants was 9.82 ± 0.65 years. Of the 82 volunteer students who included in the study were 39 (47.6%) female and 43 (52.4%) were male. It was determined that the type of bag that children used when coming to school was a backpack. 29.26% (n = 23) of the students carry their backpacks with one shoulder strap and 70.74% (n = 59) with two shoulder straps. There was a statistically significant correlation between the severity of back pain and the type of carrying bag (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the level of back pain and gender (p> 0.05).
Conclusion:It was recommended that the weight of school bag should not exceed 10% of the child\'s body weight in Europe but we found approximately 13% and exceeded the recommended limit. The results of our study suggest that the bag weight perceived by children is related to back pain and fatigue.


  • 1. Spiteri K, Busuttil M, Aquilina S, Gauci D, Camilleri E, & Grech V. Schoolbags and back pain in children between 8 and 13 years: a national study. British journal of pain 2017; 11:81-86.
  • 2. Oka GA, Ranade AS, & Kulkarni AA. Back pain and school bag weight-a study on Indian children and review of literature. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B.2019
  • 3. Azabagic S, Spahic R, Pranjic N, & Mulic M. Epidemiology of musculoskeletal disorders in primary school children in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Materia socio-medica 2016; 28:164.
  • 4. Alghamdi RS, Nafee HM, El-Sayed A, & Alsaadi SM. A study of school bag weight and back pain among intermediate female students in Dammam City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018; 8:3.
  • 5. Negrini S, & Carabalona R. Backpacks on! Schoolchildren’s perceptions of load, associations with back pain and factors determining the load. Spine 2002;27: 187-195.
  • 6. Dockrell S, Simms C, & Blake C. Schoolbag weight limit: can it be defined?. Journal of school health 2013;83:368-377.
  • 7. Akbar F, AlBesharah M, Al-Baghli J, Bulbul F, Mohammad D, Qadoura B, & Al-Taiar A. Prevalence of low Back pain among adolescents in relation to the weight of school bags. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2019;20:37.
  • 8. Mattacola CG, Perrin DH, Gansneder BM, Allen JD, & Mickey CA. A comparison of visual analog and graphic rating scales for assessing pain following delayed onset muscle soreness. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 1997;6: 38-46.
  • 9. Dockrell S, Simms C, & Blake C. Schoolbag carriage and schoolbag-related musculoskeletal discomfort among primary school children. Applied ergonomics 2015;51, 281-290.
  • 10. Dockrell S, Jacobs K, Byrne J, Gleeson E, Kelly S, Moore C, ... & Simms C. Parental awareness of schoolbag carriage: A comparative study of Irish and United States parents. Work 2017;58:85-93.
  • 11. Moore MJ, White GL, & Moore DL. Association of relative backpack weight with reported pain, pain sites, medical utilization, and lost school time in children and adolescents. Journal of School Health 2007;77:232-239.
  • 12. Kellis E, & Emmanouilidou M. The effects of age and gender on the weight and use of schoolbags. Pediatric Physical Therapy 2010;22:17-25.
  • 13. Cavallo CM, Hlavaty TM, & Tamase MGM. A pilot study for the development of a primary prevention program: what is the average weight of a fourth grader's backpack?. Work 2003;20:137-158.
  • 14. Al-Salee SA, Ali A, Ali SI, Alshamrani AA, Almulhem AM, & Al-Hashem MH. A study of school bag weight and back pain among primary school children in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale, Calif.) 2016;6:1.
  • 15. Adeyemi AJ, Rohani JM, & Rani MA. Back pain arising from schoolbag usage among primary schoolchildren. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2014; 44:590-600.
  • 16. Goodgold S, Corcoran M, Gamache D, Gillis J, Guerin J, & Coyle JQ. Backpack use in children. Pediatric physical therapy: the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association 2002;14:122-131.
  • 17. Papadopoulou D, Malliou P, Kofotolis N, Emmanouilidou M I, & Kellis E. The association between grade, gender, physical activity, and back pain among children carrying schoolbags. Archives of Exercise in Health & Disease 2014;4:1.
  • 18. Siambanes D, Martinez JW, Butler EW, & Haider T. Influence of school backpacks on adolescent back pain. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2004;24: 211-217.
  • 19. Balague F, Dutoit G, & Waldburger M. Low back pain in schoolchildren. An epidemiological study. Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine 1988;20: 175-179.
  • 20. Burton KA., Clarke RD., McClune TD, & Tillotson MK. The natural history of low back pain in adolescents. Spine 1996;21: 2323-2328.
  • 21. Merati G, Negrini S, Sarchi P, Mauro F, & Veicsteinas A. Cardio-respiratory adjustments and cost of locomotion in schoolchildren during backpack walking (the Italian Backpack Study). European journal of applied physiology 2001;85: 41-48.
  • 22. Viry P, Creveuil C, & Marcelli C. Nonspecific back pain in children. A search for associated factors in 14-year-old schoolchildren. Revue du rhumatisme (English ed.), 1999:66(7-9), 381-388.
  • 23. Watson KD, Papageorgiou AC, Jones GT, Taylor S, Symmons DPM, Silman A J, & MacFarlane GJ. Low back pain in schoolchildren: the role of mechanical and psychosocial factors. Archives of disease in childhood 2003;88:12-17.
  • 24. Korovessis P, Koureas G, Zacharatos S, & Papazisis Z. Backpacks, back pain, sagittal spinal curves and trunk alignment in adolescents: a logistic and multinomial logistic analysis. Spine 2005;30: 247-255.
  • 25. Mackie HW, & Legg SJ. Postural and subjective responses to realistic schoolbag carriage. Ergonomics 2008;51: 217-231.
  • 26. El‑Nagar SA, & Mady MM. School bag usage, postural and behavioral habits and its effect on back pain occurrence among school children. Am J Nurs Sci 2017;6:218-31.
  • 27. Kim MH, Yi CH, Kwon OY, Cho SH, & Yoo WG. Changes in neck muscle electromyography and forward head posture of children when carrying schoolbags. Ergonomics 2008;51:890-901.
  • 28. Chow DHK, Ou ZY, Wang XG, & Lai A. Short-term effects of backpack load placement on spine deformation and repositioning error in schoolchildren. Ergonomics 2010:53;56-64.
  • 29. Farhood HF. Low back pain in schoolchildren: the role of school bag weight and carrying way. J Nat Sci Res 2013;3:156-64.
  • 30. Talbott NR, Bhattacharya A, Davis KG, Shukla R, & Levin L. School backpacks: it's more than just a weight problem. Work 2009;34:481-494.
  • 31. Dianat I, Javadivala Z, Asghari-Jafarabadi M, Asl Hashemi A, & Haslegrave CM. The use of schoolbags and musculoskeletal symptoms among primary school children: are the recommended weight limits adequate?. Ergonomics 2013;56:79-89.
  • 32. Delele M, Janakiraman B, Abebe AB, Tafese A, & van de Water AT. Musculoskeletal pain and associated factors among Ethiopian elementary school children. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2018;19:276.
  • 33. Mandic S, Keller R, García Bengoechea E, Moore A, & Coppell K. (2018). School bag weight as a barrier to active transport to school among New Zealand adolescents. Children 2018;5;129.
  • 34. Navuluri N, & Navuluri RB. Study on the relationship between backpack use and back and neck pain among adolescents. Nursing & health sciences 2006:8;208-215.
  • 35. Hadžiomerović AM, Jaganjac A, Avdic D, Pašalić A, Kaljić E, Domljan D, & Omerović E. School bags and associated back pain. Journal of Health Sciences 2018: 8:10-19. 36. Haselgrove C, Straker L, Smith A, O'sullivan P, Perry M, & Sloan N. Perceived school bag load, duration of carriage, and method of transport to school are associated with spinal pain in adolescents: an observational study. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 2008;54:193-200.
  • 37. Hong Y, Li JX, & Fong DTP. Effect of prolonged walking with backpack loads on trunk muscle activity and fatigue in children. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 2008;18:990-996.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Özge İpek Dongaz

Banu Bayar

Publication Date December 16, 2020
Submission Date March 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2021


EndNote İpek Dongaz Ö, Bayar B (December 1, 2020) Do School Bag Weights of Primary School Children Affect Back Pain?. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12 1 72–78.