Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
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Assessment of Mobbing and Job Satisfaction Relationship in Nurses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Year 2021, , 775 - 785, 29.09.2021


Aim: The aim of this study to examine the perceived mobbing levels, and to look into the relationship between mobbing and job satisfaction of nurses working in Turkey through a meta-analysis.
Methods: This systematic review and meta-analysis is based on the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines. A total of 850 studies on perceived mobbing levels, and 50 studies on the relationship between mobbing and job satisfaction were retrieved from databases which are Ulusal Tez Merkezi, DergiPark, PubMed, EBSCO Host, and Web of Science. The articles and dissertations were written in Turkish and English and published before 12.31.2018. The PRISMA statement was used to report systematic review and meta-analysis.
Results: The perceived mobbing level was found to be 1.867, and a negative and medium-level relationship was observed between mobbing and job satisfaction in nurses who work in Turkey (r = -.510, p = .000).
Conclusions: The perceived mobbing level, according to the meta-analysis, were found to show that nurses are exposed to a high degree of mobbing behavior in Turkey. The relationship between mobbing and job satisfaction showed a negative and moderate correlation. In other words, as the mobbing level increases, the job satisfaction level decreases.

Supporting Institution

Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project Unit

Project Number



  • *Articles*Articles included in the final sample of the meta‐analysis review are marked with an asterisk.
  • 1. Çivilidağ A, Sargın N. Academics’ mobbing and job satisfaction levels. TOJCE 2013;2(2):55-66.
  • 2. *Akbaş S. İşyerinde psikolojik şiddet (mobbing) ve iş tatmin ilişkisi: Sağlık çalışanları üzerine bir uygulama. [Relation of mobbing and job satisfaction: An application on health workers.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (235796). 2009:63-100.
  • 3. *Aydın Y. Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin karşılaştıkları yıldırıcı davranışlar ile iş doyumu arasındaki ilişki. [Working in a university hospital nurses association between job satisfaction with the daunting encounter behavior.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (324188). 2012:37-72.
  • 4. Erdoğan V, Yıldırım A. Healthcare professionals’ exposure to mobbing behaviors and relation of mobbing with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Procedia Comput Sci 2017;120:931-8.
  • 5. Gökdemir D. Sağlık çalışanlarında mobbing algısının iş tatmini üzerindeki etkisi: Kamu hastanesinde bir araştırma. [On health employees mobbing perception’s effect on job satisfaction: A research in public hospital.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (443140). 2016:72-142.
  • 6. *Özdemir S. Mobbing ve iş doyumu ilişkisi (Hemşireler üzerine bir araştırma). [Mobbing and the relationship between job satisfaction (A survey of nurses).] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (361961). 2014:48-101.
  • 7. *Talas Ş. Hemşirelere uygulanan mobbing ile iş doyumu arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. [Relationship between mobbing aplied to nurses and job satisfaction.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (443126). 2016:33-65.
  • 8. Leymann H. Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces. Violence Vict 1990:5(2):119-26.
  • 9. Baron RA, Neuman JH. Workplace violence and workplace aggression: Evidence on their relative frequency and potential causes. Aggress Behav 1996:22(3);161-73.
  • 10. Björkqvist K, Österman K, Hjelt-Back M. Aggression among university employees. Aggress Behav 1994:20(3);173-84.
  • 11. Hoel H, Cooper C. Destructive conflict and bullying at work. Manchester: Manchester School of Management, UMIST. 2000:1-30.
  • 12. O’Moore M, Seigne E, McGuire L, Smith M. Victims of workplace bullying in Ireland. Ir J Psychol 1998:19(2-3);345-57.
  • 13. Zapf D. Organisational, work group related and personal causes of mobbing/bullying at work. Int J Manpow 1999:20(1-2);70-85.
  • 14. Asi Karakaş S, Okanlı A. Hemşirelik ve mobbing. [Nursing and mobbing.] Gumushane University Journal of Health Science 2013:2(4);562-76.
  • 15. Kılıç T, Çiftçi F, Şener Ş. Sağlık çalışanlarında mobbing ve ilişkili faktörler. [Mobbing in health professionals: A study in a public hospital.] Journal of Health and Nursing Management 2016:2(3);65-72.
  • 16. Kingma M. Workplace violence in the health sector: A problem of epidemic proportion. International Nursing Review 2001:48(3);129-30.
  • 17. Açıl İ. Mobbingin hemşirelerde mesleki bağlılığa etkisi. [The effect of mobbing about professional dependence at nursing.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (486216). 2017:5-27.
  • 18. Aslan N. Hemşirelerin mizah tarzları ile stres düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi. [Determination of the relationship between stres levels of nurses with a style of humor.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (474468). 2017:5-15.
  • 19. Cumbey DA, Alexander JW. The relationship of job satisfaction with organizational variables in public health nursing. J Nurs Adm 1998:28(5);39-46.
  • 20. Kirkcaldy BD, Martin T. Job stress and satisfaction among nurses: Individual differences. Stress Medicine 2000:16(2);77-89.
  • 21. Teker SK. Mobbingin iş tatminine etkisinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma: Sağlık kurumu örneği. [A research on identifying the impact of mobbing on job satisfaction: Health institution sample.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (357767). 2014:1-6.
  • 22. Kavak A. Sağlık çalışanlarında mobbing ve iş tatmini (Ardahan İli örneği). [Mobbing and job satisfaction in health employees (The sample of Ardahan province).] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (529231). 2018:30-34.
  • 23. Kış A. Okul müdürlerinin öğretimsel liderlik davranışlarını gösterme düzeylerine ilişkin yönetici ve öğretmen görüşlerine yönelik bir meta-analiz. [The views of administrators and teachers on levels of principals instructional leadership behaviors: A meta-analysis.] (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (350925). 2013:20-87.
  • 24. Joanna Briggs Institute. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools for use in JBI Systematic Reviews. Checklist for systematic reviews and research syntheses. 2017. Retreived from Apprai sal-Checlist_ for_Systematic_Reviews2017_0.pdf on 02 March 2019.
  • 25. Cicoloni G, Comparcini D, Simonetti V. Workplace empowerment and nurses’ job satisfaction: a systematic review. J Nurs Manag 2004:22(7);855-71.
  • 26. Higgins JP, Thompson SG, Deeks JJ, Altman DG. Measuring inconsistency in meta-analysis. BMJ 2003:327(7414);557-60.
  • 27. *Alar Erkal E. Örgüt kültürü özelliklerinin hemşirelerinin psikolojik taciz algısı üzerindeki rolü: Kamu sektörü örneği. [The role of organizational culture properties on mobbing perception of nurses: A public sector example.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (319790). 2012:61-99.
  • 28. *Gül H, Ağıröz A. Mobbing ve örgütsel sinizm arasındaki ilişkiler: Hemşireler üzerinde bir uygulama. [Relations between mobbing and organizational cynicism: An application on nurses.] Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2011:13(2);27-47.
  • 29. *Kılıçaslan S, Kaya A. Mobbingin örgütsel sinizm üzerine etkisi hemşireler üzerinde bir uygulama. [Effects of mobbing on organizational cynicism: An application on nurses.] Journal of Suleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences 2017:25(1);9-25.
  • 30. *Kovar M. Kamu ve üniversite hastanelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin algıladıkları mobbing davranışları ve örgüt kültürü arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi. [Determine the relationships between nurses’ peception of mobbing behaviors and organizational culture in public and university hospitals.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (517205). 2018:33-78.
  • 31. Yıldırım A, Yıldırım D. (2008). Development and psychometric evaluation of workplace violent behaviours instrument. J Clin Nurs 2008:17(10);1361-70.
  • 32. Weiss DJ, Rene VD, George WE. Manuel for the Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire. Minnesota studies in vocational rehabilation. 1967.
  • 33. Comer JM, Machleit KA, Lagace RR. Psychometric assessment of a reduced version of INDSALES. J Bus Res 1989:18;291-302.
  • 34. Demir E. İş yaşamında mobbing. [Mobbing at work.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (419558). 2014:88-162.
  • 35. Pala B. Cerrahi kliniklerde çalışan hemşirelerin mobbing yaşama durumlarının hemşirelik bakım kalitesine etkisi. [Effect of mobbing exposure on nursing care quality at surgical clinics nurses.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (520371). 2018:41-59.
  • 36. Saraç E. Hemşirelerde mobbingin anksiyete düzeyi ile ilişkisi. [The relationship of mobbing on anxiety levels of nurses.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (498212). 2018:45-62.
  • 37. Taştan T. Hemşirelikte mobbing yaşama durumunun kurumsal bağlılık ve kurumsal güvene etkisi. [The effects of mobbing experince among the nurses on the institutional loyalty and trust.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (454085). 2017:22-32.
  • 38. Akyol Aydın F. Ameliyathane hemşirelerinde mobbing ve tükenmişlik düzeylerinin incelenmesi. [Examination of mobbing and burnout levels in operating room nurses.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (518416). 2018:36-60.
  • 39. Bardakçı E. Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin yaşadığı mobbingin ruhsal sağlıklarına etkisi. [The impact of mobbing on the mental health of nurses working in a University hospital.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved form Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (361319). 2014:17-29.
  • 40. Ünlüsoy Dinçer N. Hemşirelerin işyeri şiddetine maruz kalma durumları ile iş doyumları ve işten ayrılma eğilimleri. [The violence on nurses at workplace and the tendency to leave the job and job satisfaction of nurses.] (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (267388).2010:56-134.
  • 41. Yıldız E. Hastanelerde kadın çalışanlara yönelik psikolojik yıldırma (mobbing) ve iş tatminine etkisi: Isparta ilinde bir uygulama. [Psychological harrassment (mobbing) towards working women in hospitals and it’s impact on job satisfaction: A study conducted in Isparta.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (395948). 2015:77-108.
  • 42. Temur Ö. Psikolojik şiddet uygulamalarının çalışanların iş tatminine etkisi: Eskişehir İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü örneği. [Effect of the psychological violence on the emloyees’ job satisfaction: The example of Eskişehir Local Health Authority.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (228885). 2009:106-22.
  • 43. Topa G, Moriano JA. Stress and nurses’ horizontal mobbing: Moderating effects of group identity and group support. Nur Outlook 2013:61(3);e25-e31.
  • 44. Quine L. Workplace bullying in nurses. J Health Psychol 2001:6(1);73-84.
  • 45. Yıldırım A, Yıldırım D. (2007). Mobbing in the workplace by peers and managers: Mobbing experienced by nurses working in healthcare facilities in Turkey and its effect on nurses. J Clin Nurs 2007:16(8);1444-53.
  • 46. Yıldırım D. Bullying among nurses and its effects. International Nursing Review 2009:56(4);504-11.
  • 47. Pınar T, Açıkel C, Pınar G, Karabulut E, Saygun M, Barışkın E, et al. Workplace violence in the health sector in Turkey: a national study. J Interpers Violence 2017:37(15);2345-65.
  • 48. Dalvand S, Gheshlagh RG, Najafi F, Zahednezhad H, Sayehmiri K. The prevalence of workplace against Iranian nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Shiraz E-Medical J 2018:19(9);1-8.
  • 49. Goris S, Ceyhan Ö, Taşçı S, Sungur G, Tekinsoy P, Çetinkaya F. Mobbing against nurses in Turkey: How does it affect job satisfaction?. Int J Caring Sci 2016:9(3);810-8.
  • 50. Aiken LH, Clarke SP, Sloane DM, Sochalski J, Silber JH. Hospital nurse stafing and patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job dissatisfaction. JAMA 2002:288(16);1987-93.
Year 2021, , 775 - 785, 29.09.2021


Project Number



  • *Articles*Articles included in the final sample of the meta‐analysis review are marked with an asterisk.
  • 1. Çivilidağ A, Sargın N. Academics’ mobbing and job satisfaction levels. TOJCE 2013;2(2):55-66.
  • 2. *Akbaş S. İşyerinde psikolojik şiddet (mobbing) ve iş tatmin ilişkisi: Sağlık çalışanları üzerine bir uygulama. [Relation of mobbing and job satisfaction: An application on health workers.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (235796). 2009:63-100.
  • 3. *Aydın Y. Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin karşılaştıkları yıldırıcı davranışlar ile iş doyumu arasındaki ilişki. [Working in a university hospital nurses association between job satisfaction with the daunting encounter behavior.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (324188). 2012:37-72.
  • 4. Erdoğan V, Yıldırım A. Healthcare professionals’ exposure to mobbing behaviors and relation of mobbing with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Procedia Comput Sci 2017;120:931-8.
  • 5. Gökdemir D. Sağlık çalışanlarında mobbing algısının iş tatmini üzerindeki etkisi: Kamu hastanesinde bir araştırma. [On health employees mobbing perception’s effect on job satisfaction: A research in public hospital.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (443140). 2016:72-142.
  • 6. *Özdemir S. Mobbing ve iş doyumu ilişkisi (Hemşireler üzerine bir araştırma). [Mobbing and the relationship between job satisfaction (A survey of nurses).] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (361961). 2014:48-101.
  • 7. *Talas Ş. Hemşirelere uygulanan mobbing ile iş doyumu arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. [Relationship between mobbing aplied to nurses and job satisfaction.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (443126). 2016:33-65.
  • 8. Leymann H. Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces. Violence Vict 1990:5(2):119-26.
  • 9. Baron RA, Neuman JH. Workplace violence and workplace aggression: Evidence on their relative frequency and potential causes. Aggress Behav 1996:22(3);161-73.
  • 10. Björkqvist K, Österman K, Hjelt-Back M. Aggression among university employees. Aggress Behav 1994:20(3);173-84.
  • 11. Hoel H, Cooper C. Destructive conflict and bullying at work. Manchester: Manchester School of Management, UMIST. 2000:1-30.
  • 12. O’Moore M, Seigne E, McGuire L, Smith M. Victims of workplace bullying in Ireland. Ir J Psychol 1998:19(2-3);345-57.
  • 13. Zapf D. Organisational, work group related and personal causes of mobbing/bullying at work. Int J Manpow 1999:20(1-2);70-85.
  • 14. Asi Karakaş S, Okanlı A. Hemşirelik ve mobbing. [Nursing and mobbing.] Gumushane University Journal of Health Science 2013:2(4);562-76.
  • 15. Kılıç T, Çiftçi F, Şener Ş. Sağlık çalışanlarında mobbing ve ilişkili faktörler. [Mobbing in health professionals: A study in a public hospital.] Journal of Health and Nursing Management 2016:2(3);65-72.
  • 16. Kingma M. Workplace violence in the health sector: A problem of epidemic proportion. International Nursing Review 2001:48(3);129-30.
  • 17. Açıl İ. Mobbingin hemşirelerde mesleki bağlılığa etkisi. [The effect of mobbing about professional dependence at nursing.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (486216). 2017:5-27.
  • 18. Aslan N. Hemşirelerin mizah tarzları ile stres düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi. [Determination of the relationship between stres levels of nurses with a style of humor.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (474468). 2017:5-15.
  • 19. Cumbey DA, Alexander JW. The relationship of job satisfaction with organizational variables in public health nursing. J Nurs Adm 1998:28(5);39-46.
  • 20. Kirkcaldy BD, Martin T. Job stress and satisfaction among nurses: Individual differences. Stress Medicine 2000:16(2);77-89.
  • 21. Teker SK. Mobbingin iş tatminine etkisinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma: Sağlık kurumu örneği. [A research on identifying the impact of mobbing on job satisfaction: Health institution sample.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (357767). 2014:1-6.
  • 22. Kavak A. Sağlık çalışanlarında mobbing ve iş tatmini (Ardahan İli örneği). [Mobbing and job satisfaction in health employees (The sample of Ardahan province).] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (529231). 2018:30-34.
  • 23. Kış A. Okul müdürlerinin öğretimsel liderlik davranışlarını gösterme düzeylerine ilişkin yönetici ve öğretmen görüşlerine yönelik bir meta-analiz. [The views of administrators and teachers on levels of principals instructional leadership behaviors: A meta-analysis.] (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (350925). 2013:20-87.
  • 24. Joanna Briggs Institute. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools for use in JBI Systematic Reviews. Checklist for systematic reviews and research syntheses. 2017. Retreived from Apprai sal-Checlist_ for_Systematic_Reviews2017_0.pdf on 02 March 2019.
  • 25. Cicoloni G, Comparcini D, Simonetti V. Workplace empowerment and nurses’ job satisfaction: a systematic review. J Nurs Manag 2004:22(7);855-71.
  • 26. Higgins JP, Thompson SG, Deeks JJ, Altman DG. Measuring inconsistency in meta-analysis. BMJ 2003:327(7414);557-60.
  • 27. *Alar Erkal E. Örgüt kültürü özelliklerinin hemşirelerinin psikolojik taciz algısı üzerindeki rolü: Kamu sektörü örneği. [The role of organizational culture properties on mobbing perception of nurses: A public sector example.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (319790). 2012:61-99.
  • 28. *Gül H, Ağıröz A. Mobbing ve örgütsel sinizm arasındaki ilişkiler: Hemşireler üzerinde bir uygulama. [Relations between mobbing and organizational cynicism: An application on nurses.] Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2011:13(2);27-47.
  • 29. *Kılıçaslan S, Kaya A. Mobbingin örgütsel sinizm üzerine etkisi hemşireler üzerinde bir uygulama. [Effects of mobbing on organizational cynicism: An application on nurses.] Journal of Suleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences 2017:25(1);9-25.
  • 30. *Kovar M. Kamu ve üniversite hastanelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin algıladıkları mobbing davranışları ve örgüt kültürü arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi. [Determine the relationships between nurses’ peception of mobbing behaviors and organizational culture in public and university hospitals.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (517205). 2018:33-78.
  • 31. Yıldırım A, Yıldırım D. (2008). Development and psychometric evaluation of workplace violent behaviours instrument. J Clin Nurs 2008:17(10);1361-70.
  • 32. Weiss DJ, Rene VD, George WE. Manuel for the Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire. Minnesota studies in vocational rehabilation. 1967.
  • 33. Comer JM, Machleit KA, Lagace RR. Psychometric assessment of a reduced version of INDSALES. J Bus Res 1989:18;291-302.
  • 34. Demir E. İş yaşamında mobbing. [Mobbing at work.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (419558). 2014:88-162.
  • 35. Pala B. Cerrahi kliniklerde çalışan hemşirelerin mobbing yaşama durumlarının hemşirelik bakım kalitesine etkisi. [Effect of mobbing exposure on nursing care quality at surgical clinics nurses.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (520371). 2018:41-59.
  • 36. Saraç E. Hemşirelerde mobbingin anksiyete düzeyi ile ilişkisi. [The relationship of mobbing on anxiety levels of nurses.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (498212). 2018:45-62.
  • 37. Taştan T. Hemşirelikte mobbing yaşama durumunun kurumsal bağlılık ve kurumsal güvene etkisi. [The effects of mobbing experince among the nurses on the institutional loyalty and trust.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (454085). 2017:22-32.
  • 38. Akyol Aydın F. Ameliyathane hemşirelerinde mobbing ve tükenmişlik düzeylerinin incelenmesi. [Examination of mobbing and burnout levels in operating room nurses.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (518416). 2018:36-60.
  • 39. Bardakçı E. Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin yaşadığı mobbingin ruhsal sağlıklarına etkisi. [The impact of mobbing on the mental health of nurses working in a University hospital.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved form Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (361319). 2014:17-29.
  • 40. Ünlüsoy Dinçer N. Hemşirelerin işyeri şiddetine maruz kalma durumları ile iş doyumları ve işten ayrılma eğilimleri. [The violence on nurses at workplace and the tendency to leave the job and job satisfaction of nurses.] (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (267388).2010:56-134.
  • 41. Yıldız E. Hastanelerde kadın çalışanlara yönelik psikolojik yıldırma (mobbing) ve iş tatminine etkisi: Isparta ilinde bir uygulama. [Psychological harrassment (mobbing) towards working women in hospitals and it’s impact on job satisfaction: A study conducted in Isparta.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (395948). 2015:77-108.
  • 42. Temur Ö. Psikolojik şiddet uygulamalarının çalışanların iş tatminine etkisi: Eskişehir İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü örneği. [Effect of the psychological violence on the emloyees’ job satisfaction: The example of Eskişehir Local Health Authority.] (Master Dissertation). Retrieved from Ulusal Tez Merkezi. (228885). 2009:106-22.
  • 43. Topa G, Moriano JA. Stress and nurses’ horizontal mobbing: Moderating effects of group identity and group support. Nur Outlook 2013:61(3);e25-e31.
  • 44. Quine L. Workplace bullying in nurses. J Health Psychol 2001:6(1);73-84.
  • 45. Yıldırım A, Yıldırım D. (2007). Mobbing in the workplace by peers and managers: Mobbing experienced by nurses working in healthcare facilities in Turkey and its effect on nurses. J Clin Nurs 2007:16(8);1444-53.
  • 46. Yıldırım D. Bullying among nurses and its effects. International Nursing Review 2009:56(4);504-11.
  • 47. Pınar T, Açıkel C, Pınar G, Karabulut E, Saygun M, Barışkın E, et al. Workplace violence in the health sector in Turkey: a national study. J Interpers Violence 2017:37(15);2345-65.
  • 48. Dalvand S, Gheshlagh RG, Najafi F, Zahednezhad H, Sayehmiri K. The prevalence of workplace against Iranian nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Shiraz E-Medical J 2018:19(9);1-8.
  • 49. Goris S, Ceyhan Ö, Taşçı S, Sungur G, Tekinsoy P, Çetinkaya F. Mobbing against nurses in Turkey: How does it affect job satisfaction?. Int J Caring Sci 2016:9(3);810-8.
  • 50. Aiken LH, Clarke SP, Sloane DM, Sochalski J, Silber JH. Hospital nurse stafing and patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job dissatisfaction. JAMA 2002:288(16);1987-93.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing, Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Mustafa Kurnaz 0000-0003-4148-2117

Gulpembe Oguzhan 0000-0002-3231-2389

Project Number PYO.SBF.1904.19.001
Publication Date September 29, 2021
Submission Date January 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


EndNote Kurnaz M, Oguzhan G (September 1, 2021) Assessment of Mobbing and Job Satisfaction Relationship in Nurses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12 4 775–785.